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Washington 2006
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Boulon Philippe
presentation of the tematic "America-UPAEP" and Postal Congress (PUASP), all stamps,reply-coupons,informations over the diferent issues, my collection and want-list.

Dutch Military Postmarks
A postmark collection and a guide and catalog for other collectors. It's in Dutch only and all listing page's have an easy print-option to make your catalog.

German Philately Dictionary
A very good stamp collecting Dictionary -- in German only.

Greenland Military Censorship
Greenland Military Censorship - WW2 postal history. A working collection of identified US Army and Navy postal censorship stamps used on Greenland. More sections to come: Censor-labels, APO & Naval postmarks. Please report any new info - e-mail/snail-mail on site.

Hans Robert Holdijk
A collection of Dutch Military Postmarks and a guide for starting collectors.

Lars Engelbrecht
Postal Stationery of Denmark 1871-1879. With links to Postal Stationery on the net.

Officially Sealed Mails of the World
A site dedicated to the study of Post Office Seals.

Post office seals, or official seals, are government issued labels used by post offices around the world to repair or reseal mail. The earliest recorded one is from Italy, and was used in 1864.

Polish Stamps
Stamps of Poland and related areas.

Postal history of Svalbard
(Mostly in Norwegian language).

Ron & Eunice Shanahan
personal home pages with old letters, "Before the Penny Black," a history of the post in England prior to 1840, stamps, miniature sheets, postal history - maritime marks, additional 1/2d postmarks etc

The Virtual Stamp Album New Hebrides
All stamps of the New Hebrides as pictures plus many many fine items of postal history from 4 spezialised collectors from around the world.


Auction - Internet Philatelistic Shop
On-line auction. Stamps, covers ... Visit us !

Barry Wright
Barry Wright. Postal Dealer..Part Exchanges and For Sale..Topicals and Postally Used Covers..World Stamp Mixture & U.M. Stamps..Thematic Phonecards.Exchange Links.

Specialists in fine world postal history items, rare stamps, and early postcards. Browse the site's entire 1500-plus offerings or search for specific items with easy to use search function. All items include a high-quality image. Dealer Member of the American Philatelic Society.

Judnick Postcards
Worldwide stamps, covers, and postcards. Strengths in modern postal history and ship covers. Hosts Maritime Postmark Society page.

M. Osborne Covers
Worldwide commercial and philatelic covers, topicals, postal history, stationery, slogans, meters, flights, and much more. 20,000 items in stock, arranged by country, topic, or type of cover

Michael B. Deery, Philatelist
World wide postal history - covers from British Commenwealth, Asia, Europe, Latin America and many other regions. Range covers military, flights, mourning covers, registered, post dues, special events, and much more. Covers are added about every two weeks. Also will attend to specific want lists of specialized areas.

Milan Cernik, Prague
Mail auction The Postal Stationery

Phil Bansner
Over 30,000 items for sale... U.S. Postal History and Worldwide Philatelic Literatur

Sidney Fenemore
All scanned Postal History and Post Cards. Plus Postal History Mail Bid sales.

Stamps Collect
The site for stamp collectors and Postal History

The Cover Exchange
Worldwide Postal History - online sales and online auctions, always 40,000+ covers & cards in stock

Topical covers
Hundreds of topical covers from France, postally used. If you don't see your topic, tell me!

Wolfgang Brunnhuber, Philatelist
Postal history covers from all over the world, mainly from Austria and German area, some topical items too.

Worthington Stamps
Canal Zone specialist; stamps and covers of the world


Associazione Collezionisti Scambisti
A country specific pages for Italian stamp and postal history collector, since 1994. Visit us ! Only in Italian language

CCSG - Civil Censorship Study Group
The CCSG caters specifically to collectors with an interest in Civil Censorsed mail. Specialist collectors who have an interest in censored mail originating in or passing through a country will find membership rewarding. Also covered are general collectors of censored mail, often with a military interest.

Filatelia Sammarinese
FILATERIA SAMMARINESE is a Philately Society situated in Rep. Of San Marino and we are interested to be listed at your link page. is a Philately site where its possible buy on-line in a big stock of over 7.000 items with thousand of pictures of stamps, postal history, postal stationery and topical. Periodic philatelic auctions. Yours faithfully. Filatelia Sammarinese

Forces Postal History Society
The Forces Postal History Society brings together the many collectors interested in the postal history of the Armed Forces of all countries, (and United Nations), at all times, whether in war or peacetime, including the study of postmarks, cachets, postage rates, prisoner-of-war mail, stamps and stationery, censorship and the organisation of military postal services.

Hong Kong Study Circle
The HKSC was formed in 1951 to record and circulate information on the philatelic and postal history of Hong Kong and treaty ports.

Irish Airmail Society
The main objectives of the Society are to study Irish Airmails in all its aspects, Early Flights, Rates, Routes, Recent Irish Flights, Aerogrammes, Airmail Stamps and Etiquettes, etc.

Malaya Study Group
The MSG specialises in the stamps, postal stationery and postal history of the states of Peninsular Malaysia which until 1963 formed the Federation of Malaya, including the Straits Settlements of Malacca, Penang and Singapore, the Federated Malay States, Negri Sembilan and Sungei Ujong, Pahang, Perak and Selangor and the Unfederated States, Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis and Trengganu.

Military Postal History Society
Promotes the study of the postal aspects of all wars and military actions of all nations. Members' interests include soldier campaign covers, patriotics, prisoner-of-war mail, naval mail, occupation and internment covers, picture postcards of a military nature, camp cancels, field post offices, propaganda labels and leaflets, V-mail, censored mail and similar related material.

Nicaragua Study Group
For the Study of the Stamps & Postal History of classic and modern NICARAGUA.

Thailand Philatelic Society
The TPS is a flourishing specialist society with over 170 members world wide sharing an interest in the many and varied aspects of the philately of this fascinating country.