ADPS Stamp Dealers Society Founded in 1966 this Society is for full-time and part-time dealers in the U.K. and abroad. Run by an elected
committee made up from Society members services include chasing of bad debtors, monthly magazine or newsletter, regular auctions,
etc. Surprisingly low annual membership fee. Email the secretary at the contact address shown.
Austria Philatelic Society (US) The Austria Philatelic Society (US) was formed in October 2000 and consists of about 150 colelctors who
are interested in Austrian philately. A quarterly journal anchors the collector group. The AUSPS currently conducts two auctions
a year for its members. If you are interested in the stamps fo Austria - visit our site and ask for a free copy of a recent
Czech Philately Philatelic societies, Bibliography of philatelic literature, list of phil. exhibitions from 19th century,
articles, hologram postal cards, new stamps, news etc.
Dogs On Stamps Study Unit DOISSU is devoted to the study of dogs on postage stamps from around the world. The quarterly Journal that
is issued with membership notifies the members of all new issues and has interesting articles about dogs on stamps. Checklists
are available by Country or by Subject.
Federation of Central New York Philatelic Societies It was on March 17, 1940, that the Federation of Central New York Philatelic Societies was founded. It seems
that the idea for such an organization came up between 1939-40. Area clubs were contacted through a personal visit by Ed Richardson
and Bill Hassan of Ithaca. The clubs approached were Cortland, Watkins Glen, Elmira, Syracuse, Geneva, Auburn, Binghamton,
Utica and Corning clubs. All accepted the idea except Geneva and Utica. Today, well over 40 groups are members, from Albany
in the east
Hampshire Philatelic Federation The Hampshire Philatelic Federation represents the Stamp and Philatelic Societies of Hampshire and is affiliated
to ABPS. The pages provide information and contacts regarding Hampshire Societies, Stamp Dealers and Events in the locality.
Hampshire Philatelic Federation The Hampshire Philatelic Federation represents the Stamp and Philatelic Societies of Hampshire and is affiliated
to ABPS. The pages provide information and contacts regarding Hampshire Societies, Stamp Dealers and Events in the locality.
International Society of Worldwide Stamp Collectors The International Society of Worldwide Stamp Collectors serves the interests of all worldwide collectors.
It strives to promote the fun and fascination of worldwide stamp collecting to young and old alike, and has an active outreach
program serving youth, their leaders and beginners of all ages. We offer several sales and exchange programs, auctions, and
an award-winning bimonthly publication, The Circuit.
Joint Stamp Issues Official web site of the International Philatelic Society of Joint Stamp Issues Collectors - Presents all
information related to Joint Issues (recent issues, stamps to be released, future programs), definitions, news from the Society
as well as links to other relevant sites
Liechtenstudy: Liechtenstein Stamp Society The Liechtenstudy philatelic organization consists of stamp collectors with an interest in Liechtenstein
philately. Yearly dues are only $5 and the group publishes a quarterly bulletin. The Liechtenstudy group alos conducts two
auction a year for its members. visit our site to request a free copy of a recent club bulletin and to learn more.
Philatelic Music Circle The web site for the Philatelic Music Circle. Both public and members only pages. If your interest is music
philately then this is the site (and society) for you
Rochester Philatelic Association Whether you're a beginner or specialist, the RPA offers you many services and benefits. Our bimonthly newsletter,
"Hinges & Tongs," is filled with articles about collecting in general and informs members about upcoming meetings and
events. The club's philatelic library holds several hundred books, magazines and periodicals, including the most recent worldwide
catalogs. These may be borrowed without cost by RPA members. For those in the upstate New York area, we invite you to attend
New Listings
Astro Space Stamp Society (10/31/00 Jeff Dugdale UK) Journey to new horizons - Collect space stamps,postcards, covers,
etc and join the Astro Space Stamp Society. (Specialties: Topicals) |
BGSV (12/02/98 Norbert Sehler Germany) Links Berliner Ganzsachen-Sammler-Verein von 1901 e.V. (Specialties:
Stamps,) |
Baroda Philatelic Society (10/08/01 Prashant H. Pandya India) Links Established in 1975, with 17 founder members, this society is one of the oldest societies in the
state of Gujarat. It is dedicated to the cause of philately and all its executives are working on voluntary basis. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Miscellaneous,Stamps) |
Canadian Forces Philatelic Society (12/26/98 David Gronbeck-Jones Canada) Links The Canadian Forces Philatelic Society (CFPS) was formed in 1975 for stamp collectors who are
members of the Canadian Forces, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Department of National Defence civil servants, and their families.
Croatian Philatelic Society (10/08/01 contact USA) Links The CPS is a non-profit organization devoted to the study and exchange of information on Croatian
and related postal issues, postal history and numismatics. (Specialties: Coins,Postal-Related,Postal
History,Topicals) |
Dogs on Stamps Study Unit (03/02/99 Morris Raskin USA) Links A non-profit organization specializing in the collection, study, and enjoyment of stamps and other
postal items that pertains to dogs. (Specialties: Stamps,Topicals,Topical/Animals) |
Great Britain Philatelic Society (12/29/98 Graeme Sherman UK) Links The GBPS covers all aspects of GB philately: postal history back through the ages; postal stationery;
booklets; college stamps; philatelic conservation and postage stamps. (Specialties: Booklets,Postal
History,Postal Stationery,) |
Irish Airmail Society (12/26/98 Mr Karl Winkelmann, USA) Links The main objectives of the Society are to study Irish Airmails in all its aspects, Early Flights,
Rates, Routes, Recent Irish Flights, Aerogrammes, Airmail Stamps and Etiquettes, etc. (Specialties:
Aerogrammes,Airmails,Flights,) |
Liverpool Philatelic Society (12/29/98 Dr P H Dangerfield UK) Links One of the oldest Philatelic Societies in the United Kingdom. Devoted to the study, research and
dissemination of the knowledge of Philately, its members have a wide range of collecting and research interests. (Specialties: Miscellaneous,) |
Malta Philatelic Society (06/15/01 Walter Rizzo Malta) Links Site promoting the specialised study of Malta, its stamps, postal history and related areas.
(Specialties: Country-Specific,Postal History,Stamps) |
Military Postal History Society (02/09/00 Myron Fox USA) Links The Military Postal History Society (a non-profit corporation) was founded in 1937 as the War
Cover Club, American Philatelic Society Unit #19. It promotes the study of the postal aspects of all wars and military actions
of all nations. (Specialties: Covers,Topicals) |
National Philatelic Society (11/06/00 Peter Mellor UK) Links One of the largest general philatelic societies in the UK with members drawn from all over the
UK and abroad. Monthly Meetings and auctions. A comprehensive philatelic library. Bi-monthly magazine 'Stamp Lover'.
Scouts on Stamps Society International (03/13/99 Keith Larson USA) A non-profit philatelic organization specializing in the collecting,
study, and enjoyment of stamps and other postal items celebrating the Boy Scout and Girl Scout (Guide) movements. (Specialties: Topicals) |


Master Association List There are over 200 Associations in this data base. You may want to select a collecting specialty.
Aerophilatelic Society, Canadian (APS# AF0189) Journal: The
Canadian Aerophilatelist: quarterly. Dues: Canada $CAN20; U.S. $CAN22; others $CAN25. Services: special
awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: To promote the study and collection of Canadian aerophilately. Contact
Person: MAJ R. K. Malott, 16 Harwick Cres. , Nepean , ON K2H 6R1 Canada E-mail: rmalott@magma.ca Website:
Air Mail Society, American (APS# AF0077) Journal: The Airpost
Journal: monthly. Dues: U.S. $23; outside U.S. $28. Services: local chapters, study groups, sales book
circuits,auctions, slide programs, handbooks, exhibition awards, special awards, annual convention. Purpose: To
foster, develop, protect, and further the collecting of aerophilatelic material. Contact Person: Mr. Stephen Reinhard,
P. O. Box 110 , Mineola , NY 11501 E-mail: SR1501@aol.com Website: www.AmericanAirMailSociety.org
Air Post Society, Metropolitan (APS# AF0192) Journal: MAPS Bulletin:
quarterly. Dues: $10. Services: auctions(members only), special awards, annual convention . Purpose:
To promote th education of Aero and Astrophilately. Contact Person: Mr. Frederick C. Dietz, 14834 S. Hadcock Dr.
, Sterling , NY 13156-4196 E-mail: Website: homepage.mac.com/airmails/index.html
Alaska Collectors Club (APS# AF0218) Journal: The Alaskan Philatelist:
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $20. Services: directory, auctions. Purpose: To promote
interest in and to encourage research and study on all subjects pertaining to Alaskan Postal History. Contact Person:
Mr. Eric R. Knapp, 4201 Folker St., #C102 , Anchorage , AK 99508 E-mail: eknapp@gci.com Website:
American First Day Cover Society (APS# UN0033) Journal: First
Days: 8 per year. Dues: U.S. $20; outside U.S. $28. Services: local chapters, study groups, auctions,
expertizing, slide programs, speakers bureau, handbooks, exhibition awards, special awards, library, annual convention, insurance,
mentors. Purpose: Organized solely to promote interest in and knowledge of first day covers. Contact Person:
Mr. Douglas A. Kelsey, P. O. Box 65960 , Tucson , AZ 85728-5960 E-mail: afdcs@aol.com Website: www.afdcs.org
American Philatelic Congress (APS# AF0139) Journal: American
Congress Book: annually. Dues: U.S. $30; outside U.S. $35. Services: handbooks, exhibition awards, special
awards, annual convention. Purpose: To engage in all forms of philatelic research activity. Contact Person:
Mr. David L. Straight, P. O. Box 32858 , St. Louis , MO 63132 E-mail: dls@library.wustl.edu Website: hometown.aol.com/TongaJan/APC.html
American Topical Association (APS# AF0177) Journal: Topical
Time: bimonthly. Dues: U.S. $20; outside U.S. $30. Services: local chapters, study groups, directory,
slide programs, handbooks, exhibition awards, annual convention. Purpose: Promote Topical collecting, encourage
Topical research, provide exchange of ideas among members. Contact Person: Mr. Paul E. Tyler, P. O. Box 50820
, Albuquerque , NM 87181-0820 E-mail: americantopical@msn.com Website: home.prcn.org/~pauld/ata/index.html
Americana Unit (APS# UN0040) Journal: Americana Philatelic News:
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $6. Services: auctions, annaul convention. Purpose: To promote the study
of any aspect of philately concerning the history, culture or ideals of the United States. Contact Person: Mr. David
A. Kent, P. O. Box 127 , New Britain , CT 06050 E-mail: ddengel@bestweb.net Website: www.americana.org
Arizona-New Mexico Postal History Society (APS# AF0188) Journal:
The Roadrunner: quarterly. Dues: $10. Services: directory, handbooks, annual convention. Purpose:
To encourage, create, sponsor and guide research in the postal history of Ariz- ona and New Mexico. Contact Person:
Jewell L. Meyer, 20112 Westpoint Dr. , Riverside , CA 92507-6608 E-mail: jlmeyer_2000@yahoo.com Website:
Art Cover Exchange Society (APS# AF0243) Journal: From Cover-to-Cover:
monthly Dues: U.S. $7; outside U.S. $14. Services: directory, auctions, slide programs, special awards,
library, annual convention. Purpose: The exchange of philatelic covers of an artistic nature, and to promote friendly
correspondence among members with a similar interest. Contact Person: Mr. Robert Fritz, 6108 Saddleback Dr.
, Oklahoma City , OK 73150 E-mail: rfritz8283@aol.com Website: www.geocities.com/artcoverexchange
Asociacion Mexicana de Filatelia (APS# AF0194) Journal: Revista
AMEXFIL: bimonthly. Dues: U.S. $37. Services: auctions. Purpose: Study of Mexican Phlately. Contact
Person: Mr. Alejandro F. Grossmann, Apartado Postal 18-933 , 11800 Mexico DF , Mexico E-mail:
alejandro-grossmann@yahoo.com Website:
Australasian Specialists/Oceania, Society of (APS# UN0022) Journal:
The Informer: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $17; outside U.S. $24. Services: sales book circuits, auctions,
exhibition awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: Specializing in the Pacific Islands mainly south of the
Tropic of Cancer. Contact Person: Dr. Paul E. Tyler, 1023 Rocky Point Ct., N.E. , Albuquerque , NM 87123-1944
E-mail: Website: members.aol.com/stampsho/saso.html
Austria Philatelic Society (APS# AF0246) Journal: The Austrian
Philatelic Society Journal; quarterly Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $22. Services: journal,auctions,mentoring
program. Purpose: To promote Austrian Philately. Contact Person: Mr. Louis W. Ricker, 725 Iris Lane
, Media , PA 19063-5456 E-mail: lwros@comcast.net Website: www.apsus.esmartweb.com
Belgian Philatelic Society, American (APS# AF0138) Journal: The
Belgiophile: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $9; Canada $10; others $16. Services: directory, auctions, library. Purpose:
To promote all philatelic aspects of Belgium and former colonies. Contact Person: Mr. Ralph Yorio, 1123 Cheyenne
Dr. , Indian Harbor Beach , FL 32937 E-mail: kcos32@cox.net Website: groups.HamptonRoads.com/ABPS
Bermuda Collectors Society (APS# AF0186) Journal: Bermuda Post:
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $22; outside U.S. $25-30. Services: directory, auctions, annual convention. Purpose:
To promote all aspects of Bermuda philately. Contact Person: Mr. Thomas J. McMahon, Villa Del Sol, Apt. 5I
11000 S. Ocean Dr., Jensen Beach , FL 34957 E-mail: Website:
Biology Unit* (APS# AF0172) Journal: Biophilately: quarterly. Dues:
U.S. $20. Services: annual convention. Purpose: To form an international cooperative study of biological
postage stamps and related material. Contact Person: Mr. Carl H. Spitzer, Jr., 610 N. Bedford Dr. , Tucson
, AZ 85710-2620 E-mail: A.Hanks@aci.on.ca Website:
Brazil Philatelic Association (APS# UN0032) Journal: Bull's
Eyes: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $20. Services: annual convention. Purpose: To
promote Brazilian philately. Contact Person: Mr. Kurt Ottenheimer, 462 W. Walnut St. , Long Beach , NY
11561-3133 E-mail: oak462@juno.com Website:
British Caribbean Philatelic Study Group (APS# UN0027) Journal:
Brit Caribbean Phil Journal: quarterly. Dues: U.S./Canada $18; outside U.S. $21. Services: study groups,
directory, auctions, handbooks, exhibition awards, special awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: To study,
report, and create new interest in the philately of the present and past Brit. Caribbean area. Contact Person: Dr.
Reuben Ramkissoon, 3011 White Oak Lane , Oak Brook , IL 60523-2513 E-mail: rramkissoon@juno.com Website: ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/BCPSG/
British North American Philatelic Society (APS# AF0144) Journal:
BNA TOPICS: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $18: Canada $24; UK *L12. Services: local chapters, study groups,
sales book circuits, speakers bureau, handbooks, exhibition awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: The collecting/study
of the stamps and postal history of Canada, Newfoundland, and the pre-Confederation colonies of Bristish North America. Contact
Person: Mr. Jerome C. Jarnick, III, 108 Duncan Dr. , Troy , MI 48098 E-mail: bnaps@wep.2b.c2 Website: www.bnaps.org
Bullseye Cancel Collector's Club (APS# AF0108) Journal: The
BCCC Bulletin: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $10; outside U.S. $15 Services: directory, auctions, round robin
trading cricuits. Purpose: Promote Bullseye collecting with bulletins & annual membership list of coll. preferences
for trading purposes. Contact Person: Mr. Donald Landis, Urb. La Cerca 37, Bajo B , Collado Villalba 28400
(Madrid) , Spain E-mail: donaldj@teleline.es Website:
Canada, Postal History Society of (APS# AF0067) Journal: PHSC
Journal: quarterly. Dues: $25. Services: exhibition awards. Purpose: To promote the study of
the postal history of Canada and its Provinces. Contact Person: F. Narbonne, 216 Mailey Dr. , Carleton Place
, ON K7C 3X9 Canada E-mail: Website:
Canadiana Study Unit (APS# AF0213) Journal: The Canadian Connection:
quarterly. Dues: U.S./Canada $10; others $15. Services: auctions, slide programs, new issue service. Purpose:
The collecting, studying and dissemi- nation of knowledge of stamps and philatelic material dealing with Canada. Contact
Person: Mr. Robert A. Haslewood, 2144 Decarie, Apt. 3 , Montreal , QC H4A 3J3 Canada E-mail:
john.peebles@sympatico.ca Website:
Canal Zone Study Group (APS# UN0042) Journal: Canal Zone Philatelist:
quarterly. Dues: $8. Services: auctions, handbooks, exhibition awards, special awards, annual convention. Purpose:
To promote the collecting and study of philately and postal history of the Canal Zone and the Isthmus of Panama. Contact
Person: Mr. Richard H. Salz, 60 27th Ave. , San Francisco , CA 94121-1026 E-mail:
Website: www.czsg.org
Carriers and Locals Society (APS# AF0211) Journal: The Penny
Post: quarterly. Dues: $35. Services: directory, auction, annual convention. Purpose: To encourage
the collecting and study of US carriers and locals. Contact Person: Mr. John D. Bowman, P. O. Box 38246 ,
Birmingham , AL 35238-2436 E-mail: Website: www.pennypost.org
Cats on Stamps Study Unit* (APS# AF0179) Journal: Cat Mews:
quarterly. Dues: U.S./CAN/MEX $8; others $10. Services: Purpose: The collection and study of
philatelic material portraying various breeds, and the history of the cats. Contact Person: Mr. Richard H. Sattinger,
1862 E. 14th St., Apt. 3D , Brooklyn , NY 11229-2847 E-mail: Website:
Censorship Civil, Study Group (APS# AF0086) Journal: Civil Censorship
Study Gp Bul: quarterly Dues: $20. Services: auctions, handbooks, exhibition awards, library. Purpose:
To study censorship of civilian mail, all countries, all time periods. Contact Person: COL Charles J. LaBlonde,
15091 Ridgefield Lane , Colorado Springs , CO 80921 E-mail: clablonde@aol.com Website: members.aol.com/ww2censor/ccsg.html
Ceremony Program Society, The American (APS# AF0217) Journal: The
Ceremonial: bimonthly. Dues: $15. Services: directory, auctions, annual convention. Purpose:
To unite all collector of Ceremony Programs and related philatelic organiz ation of knowledge and experience. Contact
Person: Monte L. Eiserman, 14359 Chadbourne , Houston , TX 77079 E-mail: litvaks@earthlink.net Website: webacps.org
Chemistry and Physics on Stamps Study Unit* (APS# AF0123) Journal:
Philatelia Chimica et Physica: quarterly Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $17-$20. Services: slide programs,
handbooks, special award. Purpose: Collecting and study of stamps pertaining to chemistry, chemists, chemical industries,
as well as physics and physicists. Contact Person: Dr. John B. Sharkey, 1559 Grouse Lane , Mountainside ,
NJ 07092-1340 E-mail: mmorgan@lausd.k12.ca.us Website: www.cpossu.org
Chess on Stamps Study Unit* (APS# AF0180) Journal: Chesstamp
Review: quarterly. Dues: U.S./Canada/Mexico $15; others $25. Services: directory, auctions. Purpose:
To promote the collecting and knowledge of chess on stamps. Contact Person: Mr. Russell E. Ott, P. O. Box 9789
, Midland , TX 79708-9789 E-mail: reott@nts-online.net Website: www.russott.com/stamps1.htm
China Stamp Society (APS# AF0010) Journal: The China Clipper:
bimonthly. Dues: $18 Services: local chapters, auctions, expertizing, slide programs, special awards,
library, annual convention. Purpose: To create a spirit of fraternity, to encourage research, and to promote Chinese
and related areas philately. Contact Person: Mr. Paul Gault, P. O. Box 20711 , Columbus , OH 43220
E-mail: secretary@chinastampsociety.org Website: www.chinastampsociety.org
Christmas Philatelic Club* (APS# AF0074) Journal: Yule Log:
bimonthly. Dues: U.S./Canada $15; outside U.S. $22. Services: auctions, handbooks, exhibition awards,
special awards, library, annual meeting. Purpose: To promote Christmas topicalists in the common growth in knowledge
and enjoyment of Christmas philately. Contact Person: Mr. Walton U. Beauvais, 1068 Medhurst Road , Columbus
, OH 43220 E-mail: cpc@hwcn.org Website: www.hwcn.org/link/cpc/
Christmas Seal & Charity Stamp Society (APS# AF0101) Journal:
Seal News: bimonthly. Dues: U.S. $15; Mex/Canada $17.50; others $27.50 Services: directory, auctions,
handbooks, bienniel convention. Purpose: Organized for collectors of local, national, and foreign TB seals, as well
as other charity seals. Contact Person: Betsy Berry, 3606 S. Atherton St. , State College , PA 16801
E-mail: betsychuck@att.net Website: cscss.home.att.net
Churchill Society, International* (APS# AF0049) Journal: Finest
Hour: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $40. Services: local chapters, cover service, annual convention. Purpose:
To preserve the memory and legacy of Sir Winston S. Churchill, to study Churchill books, stamps & memorabilia. Contact
Person: Sue M. Hefner, 1837 Latham Ave. , Lima , OH 45805-1635 E-mail: wsc_1874@msn.com Website: www.winstonchurchill.org
Cinderella Stamp Club (APS# AF0091) Journal: The Cinderella
Philatelist: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $24; outside U.S. *L16 Services: study groups, sales book circuits
(UK only), auctions,handbooks, exhibition awards, special award, library, annual convention. Purpose: Association
of philatelists with interests in local, telegraph, fiscal, and bogus stamps, phantom issues, etc. Contact Person: Mr.
Joseph E. Foley, P. O. Box 183 , Riva , MD 21140-0183 E-mail: Conrad-Graham@yahoo.co.uk Website: www.cinderellastampclub.org.uk
Colorado Postal History Society (APS# AF0200) Journal: Colorado
Postal Historian: quarterly. Dues: $15. Services: local chapters, expertizing, slide programs, speaker
bureau, handbooks, annual convention. Purpose: To promote the collecting and study of the postal hisotry of the
Territory and State of Colorado. Contact Person: Mr. Roger Rydberg, 354 S. Nile St. , Aurora , CO 80012
E-mail: rrydberg@attbi.com Website:
Columbus, Christopher, Philatelic Society* (APS# AF0124) Journal:
Discovery!: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $15: outside U.S. $20. Services: directory. Purpose: To
study philatelic and allied material related to the life and voyages of Christopher Columbus. Contact Person: Mr.
James P. Doolin, Suite 105 11258 Goodnight Lane, Dallas , TX 75229-9828 E-mail: meganddon@monad.net Website: home.prcn.org/~pauld/ata/units/columbus.htm
Confederate Stamp Alliance (APS# AF0073) Journal: Confederate
Philatelist: bimonthly. Dues: U.S./Canada/Mexico $24; others $32. Services: directory, expertizing, slide
programs, exhibition awards, special awards, annual convention. Purpose: To promote the collecting and encourage
the study of the stamps and postal history of the CSA. Contact Person: Mr. Richard H. Byne, 7518 Buckskin Lane
, San Antonio , TX 78227-2716 E-mail: rhbcsaps@flash.net Website: www.csalliance.org/
Connecticut Postal History Society (APS# AF0195) Journal: The
Journal;CPHS: quarterly. Dues: $12. Services: auctions, slide programs, speakers bureau, exhibition awards. Purpose:
Investigation, preservation, and study of all phases of the postal history of the Colony and State of Connecticut. Contact
Person: Mr. Willliam Duffney, P. O. Box 2151 , Meriden , CT 06450 E-mail: Website:
COPAPHIL (Columbia-Panama Philatelic Study Group) (APS# AF0142) Journal:
COPACARTA: quarterly. Dues: U.S./Canada $10; others $15. Services: study groups, directory, auctions,
handbooks, exhibition awards, library, bi-annual convention. Purpose: To promote the philately of Colombia and Panama
and to research and publish their philatelic history. Contact Person: Ms. Debby Friedman, 10 Reddy Lane ,
Loudonville , NY 12211 E-mail: rbreuer1@nycap.rr.com Website:
Costa Rica Collectors, Society of (APS# AF0096) Journal: Oxcart:
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $12; outside U.S. $15. Services: directory, auctions, new issue service, cover service,
handbooks, exhibition awards, library. Purpose: Promotion of Costa Rica Philately. Contact Person: Mr.
Raul Hernandez, 4204 Haring Road , Metairie , LA 70006 E-mail: rherna3870@aol.com Website: www.socorico.org
Cover Collectors Circuit Club (APS# AF0215) Journal: CCCC News:
6 per year. Dues: U.S. $10; outside U.S. $5. Services: Purpose: To promote peace and understanding
through the exchange of covers and stamps. Contact Person: Mr. Thomas M. Fortunato, 42 Maynard St. , Rochester
, NY 14615-2022 E-mail: stamptmf@frontiernet.net Website: www.geocities.com/coverccc/index.html
Croatian Philatelic Society (APS# AF0053) Journal: The Trumpeter:
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $24; outside U.S. $25. Services: study groups, directory, auctions, expertizing,
slide programs, speakers bureau, handbooks, exhibition awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: Devoted to the
study and exchange of information regarding Croatian, Balkan, and Central European philately. Contact Person: Mr.
Eck Spahich, P. O. Box 696 , Fritch , TX 79036-0696 E-mail: ou812@arn.net Website: www.croatianmall.com/cps/
Cuban Philatelic Society of America (APS# AF0173) Journal: The
Cuban Philatelist: 3 times per year. Dues: U.S. $15: outside U.S. $30. Services: local chapters, directory,
sales book circuits, auctions, exhibition awards, special awards, annual convention. Purpose: To promote philately
and philatelic friendship and knowledge among its members. Contact Person: Mrs. Silvia C. Garcia, P. O. Box 141656
, Coral Gables , FL 33114-1656 E-mail: Website: www.philat.com/cpsa/
Czechoslovak Philately, Society for (APS# UN0018) Journal: The
Czechoslovak Specialist: 6 yearly. Dues: U.S. $18; outside U.S. $23. Services: directory, sales book circuits,
expertizing, handbooks, exhibition awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: Devoted to the philately of Czechoslovakia
and related areas. Contact Person: Mr. Henry Hahn, 2936 Rosemoor Lane , Fairfax , VA 22031 E-mail:
hhahn25@aol.com Website: www.erols.com/sibpost/
Dakota Postal History Society (APS# AF0216) Journal: Dakota
Collector: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $30. Services: Purpose: Promote knowledge
of postal history and related subjects for Dakota Territory and North & South Dakota. Contact Person: Mr. Gary
Anderson, P. O. Box 600039 , Saint Paul , MN 55106 E-mail: garyndak@ix.netcom.com Website:
Disabled Collector's Correspondence Club (APS# AF0214) Journal:
Stampabilities: quarterly. Dues: U.S./Canada $5; outside U.S. $15. Services: directory. Purpose:
Encourage fellowship amongst disabled stamp collectors. Contact Person: CDR Donald T. Rohde, 532 Woodland Dr.
, Los Osos , CA 93402 E-mail: siosal@hotmail.com Website: members.aol.com/DisabledCC
Disinfected Mail Study Circle, The (APS# AF0219) Journal: Pratique:
3 per year. Dues: U.S. $36; UK*L15; others*L18. Services: auctions, expertizing, speakers bureau, annual
convention. Purpose: Researching and publishing accounts of the treatment of mail in way thought to prevent the
spread of infectious disease. Also the postal history of quarantines and of vaccinations. Contact Person: Mr. William
A. Sandrik, P. O. Box 3277 , Arlington , VA 22203 E-mail: vdvpratique@aol.com Website:
Duck Stamp Collectors Society, National (APS# AF0210) Journal: Duck
Tracks: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $20. Services: directory, exhibition awards, annual convention. Purpose:
To promote and encourage the collecting and study of migratory waterfowl, hunting, and conservation stamps. Contact
Person: Ms. June E. Berwald, 1821 Zanzibar Lane, N. , Plymouth , MN 55447-2850 E-mail:
ndscs@hwcn.org Website: www.hwcn.org/link/ndscs
Ebony Society of Philatelic Events and Reflections (APS# AF0239) Journal:
Reflections: quarterly. Dues: $15. Services: directory. Purpose: To promote and foster
an interest in the study and collection of African-Americans on United States and foreign philatelic material. Contact
Person: Mr. Manuel Gilyard, 800 Riverside Dr., #4H , New York , NY 10032-7412 E-mail:
esper@stx.rr.com Website: www.slsabyrd.com (then click of ESPER)
Eire Philatelic Association (APS# AF0021) Journal: Revealer:
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $12 Canada/Mexico $15; others $20. Services: local chapters, directory, auctions,
slide programs, handbooks, exhibition awards, special awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: To facilitate
the sharing of an interest in the stamps and postal history of Ireland. Contact Person: Mr. David J. Brennan, P.
O. Box 704 , Bernardsville , NJ 07924 E-mail: brennan704@aol.com Website: www.eirephilatelicassoc.org
El Salvador, Associated Collectors of (APS# AF0089) Journal: El
Faro: quarterly. Dues: $24. Services: auctions, expertizing. Purpose: An international organization
devoted to all phases of the philately of El Salvador. Contact Person: Mr. Jeff Brasor, c/o FALCORP P. O.
Box 140605, Irving , TX 75014-0605 E-mail: jbrasor@aol.com Website:
Empire State Postal History Society (APS# UN0028) Journal: ESPHS
Bulletin: quarterly. Dues: $10. Services: directory, auctions, handbooks, exhibition awards, annual meeting. Purpose:
To advance the knowledge of the postal history of New York State. Contact Person: Mr. William J. Hart, P. O. Box
167 , Shrub Oak , NY 10588 E-mail: Website: www.westelcom.com/users/gestus/esphs/esphs1.html
Errors, Freaks & Oddities Collectors Club* (APS# AF0103) Journal:
EFO Collector: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $16; outside U.S. $30. Services: study groups, directory, auctions,
expertizing, speakers bureau, exhibition awards, special awards, annual convention. Purpose: To promote the study
of and interest in EFO material, domestic and foreign. Contact Person: James E. McDevitt, 955 S. Grove Blvd., #65
, Kingsland , GA 31548-5263 E-mail: cwouscg@aol.com Website: www.EFOERS.org
Ethiopian Philatelic Society (APS# AF0145) Journal: MENELIK'S
Journal: quarterly. Dues: U.S./Canada $7.50; others $12. Services: directory, auctions, expertizing services,
library. Purpose: The promotion of research and study of all aspects of Ethiopian philately. Contact Person:
Mr. Ulf J. Lindahl, 640 S. Pine Creek Road , Fairfield , CT 06430 E-mail: fbheiser@attbi.com Website: home.attbi.com/~fbheiser/ethiopia5.htm
Europa Study Unit* (APS# AF0017) Journal: Europa News: bimonthly. Dues:
U.S. $10; Canada $11; others $16. Services: auctions, handbooks, library. Purpose: To further the
study and collecting of stamps and philatelic material and to foster interest in Europa philately. Contact Person: Mr.
Henry S. Klos, P. O. Box 611 , Bensenville , IL 60106 E-mail: eunity@aol.com Website:
Exhibitors, Philatelic, American Association of (APS# AF0157) Journal:
The Philatelic Exhibitor: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $20; outside U.S. $25. Services: local chapters, exhibition
awards, special awards, convention. Purpose: To desseminate information, techniques, and methods to educate and
inform philatelists involved in exhibiting. Contact Person: Mr. R. Timothy Bartshe, 13955 W. 30th Ave. , Golden
, CO 80401-1503 E-mail: vergec@sympatico.ca Website:
Falkland Islands Philatelic Study Group (APS# AF0083) Journal: The
Upland Goose: quarterly. Dues: U.S./Canada $20; Europe*L10; others*L15. Services: study groups, directory,
sales book circuits (Great Britain only), auctions, handbooks, exhibition awards, special awards, annual convention. Purpose:
To research all aspects of philately connected with the Falkland Islands and their dependencies. Contact Person: Mr.
Carl J. Faulkner, Williams Inn, On The Green , Williamstown , MA 01267 E-mail: Website:
Federation Quebecquoise de Philatelie (APS# AF0169) Journal: Philatelie
Quebec: 6 per year. Dues: U.S. $30; outside U.S. $42. Services: local chapters, study groups, expertizing,
speakers bureau, exhibition awards, special awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: To unite philatelic clubs
of Quebec so they can benefit from related materials and a revue of standard in French. Contact Person: Mr. Paul
Desjardins, 972 Montarville , St. Bruno , QC J3V 5A7 Canada E-mail: paul.desjardins@sympatico.ca Website:
Fine Arts Philatelists* (APS# AF0160) Journal: Jrl Fine/Performing
Arts Phil: quarterly Dues: U.S./CANADA/MEXICO $22; others $30. Services: directory, new issue service. Purpose:
For a wider understanding and enjoyment of all aspects of fine arts through philately. Contact Person: Mrs. H. Ruth
Richards, 10393 Derby Dr. , Laurel , MD 20723 E-mail: Website: www.philately.com/philately/fap.htm
Fire Service in Philately (APS# AF0080) Journal: Fire Stamp
News: bimonthly. Dues: $15. Services: auctions, new issues service, annual convention. Purpose:
To promote the study and collecting of philatelic items related to fire service. Contact Person: Mr. Edward Flory,
149 Sopher St. , East Stroudsburg , PA 18301 E-mail: brenglersr@mail.enter.net Website: www.firestamps.com
First Issues Collector Club (APS# AF0232) Journal: First Issues;
quarterly. Dues: $6. Services: directory, auctions. Purpose: Promotes the collection of the
first postage stamps issued by any nation, province, city, army or other entity and facilitates the exchange of information
among stamp collectors. Contact Person: Mr. Robert K. Sylvester, 13 Idlewood Pl. , New Orleans , LA
70123 E-mail: bobsyl@prodigy.net Website: www.firstissues.org
Florida Postal History Society (APS# AF0227) Journal: FL Postal
History Journal: biannually Dues: $10. Services: study group, directory, slide programs, speakers bureau,
book, exhibition awards, special awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: To cultivate and promote the study
of Florida Postal History. Contact Person: Dr. Deane R. Briggs, 160 E. Lake Howard Dr. , Winter Haven , FL
33881 E-mail: drb@gte.net Website:
France & Colonies Philatelic Society (APS# AF0045) Journal:
France & Colonies Philatelist: quarterly Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $20. Services: expertizing,
slide programs, handbooks, special awards, annual convention. Purpose: Study of the stamps and postal history of
France and the French community. Contact Person: Dr. Edward J. J. Grabowski, 741 Marcellus Dr. , Westfield
, NJ 07090 E-mail: edjjg@bellatlantic.net Website: www.drunkenboat.net/FrandCol/FCPSHome.html
G.B. Overprints Society (APS# AF0072) Journal: The Overprinter:
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $20; outside U.S.*L13. Services: study groups, sales book circuits, auctions, expertizing,
handbooks, exhibition awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: Organized for collectors who specialize in the
overprinted stamps of Great Britain and related areas. Contact Person: Mr. Francis E. Kiddle, Punch Tree House
Reading Road North, Fleet, Hants , GU51 4HS England E-mail: Website:
Gay & Lesbian History on Stamps Club* (APS# AF0205) Journal:
Lambda Philatelic Journal: quarterly. Dues: U.S./Mex/Canada $10; others $15. Services: directory,
slide program, handbooks, annual convention. Purpose: To promote study & dissemination of knowledge of philatelic
material depicting homosexuel or bisexual behavior. Contact Person: Mr. Joe Petronie, P. O. Box 190842 , Dallas
, TX 75219-0842 E-mail: glhsc@aol.com Website: www.glhsc.org
Georgia Postal History, Society (APS# AF0224) Journal: Georgia
Post Roads; quarterly. Dues: $10. Services: handbooks, annual convention. Purpose: To bring
together collectors of and further the study of the postal history of the state of Georgia. Contact Person: Mrs.
Nancy B.Z. Clark, P. O. Box 427 , Marstons Mills , MA 02648-0427 E-mail: nbc@cape.com Website:
German Colonies Collectors (APS# AF0236) Journal: VORLAUFER:
quarterly Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $24. Services: exhibition awards, special awards, annual convention. Purpose:
To encourage the philately of the German Colonies and Post Offices abroad and related areas. Contact Person: Mr.
John S. Miller, P. O. Box 27 , Newton Upper Falls , MA 02464 E-mail: miller02464@yahoo.com Website: www.gps.nu/studygroup/colonies/info.html
Germany Philatelic Society (APS# AF0048) Journal: The German
Postal Specialist: monthly. Dues: U.S. $25; Canada/Mexico $35; others $40. Services: local chapters, study
groups, auctions, slide programs, handbooks, exhibition awards, special awards, library, annual convention. Purpose:
To promote German philately. Contact Person: Mr. Christopher D. Deterding, P. O. Box 779 , Arnold , MD
21012-4779 E-mail: germanyphilatelic@starpower.net Website: www.gps.nu/
Golf Society, International Philatelic * (APS# AF0183) Journal:
Tee Time: quarterly. Dues: $12. Services: directory, auctions. Purpose: To further the knowledge
of collectors and students of golf philately. Contact Person: Mr. Ron Spiers, 8025 Saddle Run , Powell , OH
43065 E-mail: rwspiers@aol.com Website: www.ipgsonline.org
Graphics Philately Association* (APS# AF0133) Journal: Philateli-Graphics:
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $10; outside U.S $20. Services: directory, checklist. Purpose: To promote
and encourage the collection and study of all aspects of Graphic Arts philately. Contact Person: Mr. Bruce L. Johnson,
115 Raintree Dr. , Zionsville , IN 46077-2012 E-mail: indybruce1@yahoo.com Website:
Great Britain Collectors Club (APS# AF0191) Journal: GBCC Chronicle:
quarterly. Dues: U.S./Canada $18.50; others $27. Services: sales book circuits, auctions, handbook, exhibition
awards, special awards, annual convention. Purpose: To expand knowledge and interest in all aspects of Great Britain
philately. Contact Person: Mr. Parker A. Bailey, 17 Greenwood Road , Merrimack , NH 03054 E-mail:
larry@gbstamps.com Website: www.gbstamps.com/gbcc
Guatemala Collectors, International Society of (APS# UN0036) Journal:
El Quetzal: quarterly. Dues: U.S./CAN/MEX $18; Guatemala $15; others $22. Services: directory, auctions,
handbooks, exhibition awards,library, annual convention. . Purpose: To promote the study and collection of the postal
history and materials from Guatemala. Contact Person: Mr. Robert Lebow, 1322 E. Brooklake , Houston , TX
77077-3204 E-mail: info@guatemalastamps.com Website: www.guatemalastamps.com
Haiti Philatelic Society (APS# AF0081) Journal: Haiti Philately:
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $23. Services: directory, auctions, expertizing. Purpose:
To promote the study of the philately and postal history of Haiti. Contact Person: Mr. Carroll L. Lloyd, 2117 Oak
Lodge Road , Baltimore , MD 21228 E-mail: clloyd@bcpl.net Website: www.waypt.com/users/~glb/
Hawaiian Philatelic Society (APS# AF0136) Journal: Po'Oleka
O Hawaii: quarterly. Dues: $12. Services: expertizing (Hawaii stamp only), library. Purpose:
To stimulate, encourage, create, sponsor advance and guide the collection and study stamps and postal history. Contact
Person: Mr. Harry A. Foglietta, 1012 Palm Dr., Apt. 1 , Honolulu , HI 96814-1926 E-mail:
bannan@pixi.com Website: www.stampshows.com/hps.html
Hellenic Philatelic Society of America (APS# AF0120) Journal: HPSA
News Bulletin: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $20; Canada $20; others $25. Services: local chapters, expertizing,
handbooks, special awards, library. Purpose: The advancement of knowledge of Greece and related areas. To unite
Greek collectors and share collective information. Contact Person: Dr. Nicholas Asimakopulos, 541 Cedar Hill Ave.
, Wyckoff , NJ 07481 E-mail: nick1821@aol.com Website:
Helvetia Philatelic Society, American (APS# AF0052) Journal: Tell:
bimonthly. Dues: U.S.21; Canada/Mexico $26; others $31. Services: sales book circuits, slide programs,
exhibition awards,special awards, annual convention. Purpose: The oldest Swiss philatelic society outside Switzerland
devoted to all facets of Swiss area philately. Contact Person: Mr. Ernest L. Bergman, 1421 Harris St. , State
College , PA 16803 E-mail: secretary@swiss-stamps.org Website: www.swiss-stamps.org
Honduras Collectors Club (APS# AF0229) Journal: El Hondureno:
quarterly. Dues: $24. Services: auctions, expertizing, new issue service. Purpose: To promote
the study of the stamps and postal history of Honduras. Contact Person: Mr. Jeff Brasor, c/o FALCORP P. O.Box
140605, Irving , TX 75014-0605 E-mail: jbrasor@aol.com Website:
Hong Kong Stamp Society (APS# AF0209) Journal: Hong Kong Philatelist:
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $10; Canada/Mexico $15; others $20. Services: auctions, expertizing, handbooks,
library. Purpose: Promoting the collection and study of Hong Kong stamps and postal history. Contact Person:
Ming W. Tsang, P. O. Box 206 , Glenside , PA 19038 E-mail: hkstampsoc@yahoo.com Website: hkss.org
Hungarian Philately, Society for (APS# UN0034) Journal: News
of Hungarian Philately: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $20. Services: study groups, directory,
sales book circuits, auctions, handbooks, exhibition awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: A national society
serving all collectors of philatelic material relating to Hungary. Contact Person: Mr. Robert B. Morgan, 2201 Roscomare
Road , Los Angeles , CA 90077-2222 E-mail: info@hungarianphilately.org Website: www.hungarianphilately.org
Illinois Postal History Society (APS# AF0112) Journal: Illinois
Postal Historian: quarterly. Dues: $10. Services: expertizing, speakers bureau, handbooks, exhibition
awards, semi-annual convention. Purpose: To encourage the distribution of materials for understanding and collecting
Illinois Postal History. Contact Person: Dr. Harvey M. Karlen, 1008 N. Marion St. , Oak Park , IL 60302-1373
E-mail: aubreyb@email.msn.com Website:
India Study Circle (APS# AF0111) Journal: India Post: quarterly. Dues:
U.S. $32; outside U.S.*L18. Services: auctions, slide programs,handbooks, exhibition awards, library. Purpose:
To study the stamps, postal history and postal stationery of all portions of the Indian Sub-continent. Contact Person:
Mr. John Warren, P.O. Box 7326 , Washington , DC 20044 E-mail: warren.john@epa.gov Website: www.indiastudycircle.org/
Indiana Postal History Society (APS# AF0241) Journal: Indiana
Postal History Society Newsletter: quarter Dues: $10. Services: directory, handbooks, exhibition awards,
special awards,annual convention. Purpose: To obtain, preserve information, books, document and tangibles pertinent
of post office operations in state and territory of Indiana. Contact Person: Mr. Vincent A. Ross, R 3, Box 717
, Spencer , IN 47460 E-mail: var@bluemarble.net Website: www.theryles.com/iphs/
Indo-China Philatelists, Society of (APS# AF0038) Journal: Indo-China
Philatelist: quarterly. Dues: U.S./Canada/Mexico $15; others $20. Services: study group, directory, auctions,
handbooks, annual convention. Purpose: Study of postal issues and postal history of Indo-China, Vietnam, Laos and
Cambodia. Contact Person: Mr. Ron Bentley, 2600 N. 24th St. , Arlington , VA 22207 E-mail:
ron.bentley@veridian.com Website: www.imnahastamps.com/sicp.cfm
Iowa Postal History Society (APS# AF0168) Journal: IPHS Bulletin:
quarterly. Dues: $16. Services: auctions, expertizing, exhibition awards. Purpose: To collect
and preserve postal history information of Iowa, and to share the knowledge of individual research. Contact Person:
Mr. Alfred E. Mack, Apt. 210A 2571 Guthrie Ave., Des Moines , IA 50317-3019 E-mail:
suealmack@mchsi.com Website:
Iran Philatelic Study Circle--No. American Chapter (APS# AF0208) Journal:
I.P.S.C. Bulletin; 5 per year. Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S.*L8. Services: directory, sales book circuits(UK
only), auctions, handbooks. Purpose: To study the philately of Iran. Contact Person: Mr. T. P. McDermott,
25 Hillside Ave. , White Plains , NY 10601-1111 E-mail: stampstp@msn.com Website: www.iranphilatelic.org
Israel Philatelists, Society of (APS# AF0105) Journal: The Israel
Philatelist: bimonthly. Dues: U.S. $20; Can/Mex $26; others $33. Services: local chapters, study groups,
slide programs, speakers bureau, new issue service, cover service, handbooks, exhibition awards, special awards, library,
annual convention. Purpose: Devoted to the philately of the Holy Land and Israel. Contact Person: Mr.
Howard S. Chapman, 28650 Settlers Lane , Pepper Pike , OH 44124 E-mail: Website: www.israelstamps.com
Italian American Stamp Club (APS# AF0175) Journal: Italian Am
Stamp Club Nwlter: monthly. Dues: U.S. $6; outside U.S. $10. Services: Purpose: To provide
regular meetings for members and guests, interested in Italian Philately. Contact Person: Mr. Ralph L. West, 1135
S. 75th St. , West Allis , WI 53214 E-mail: Website:
Italy and Colonies Study Circle (GB) (APS# AF0132) Journal: Fil-Italia:
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $28; others*L18. Services: sales books circuits, auctions, special awards, library. Purpose:
To promote and encourage the study of all aspects of Italian philately and postal history. Contact Person: Mr. Richard
Harlow, 7 Duncombe House 8 Manor Road, Teddington, Middx. , TW11 8BG England E-mail: L.R.Harlow@btinternet.com Website: www.icsc.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk
Italy and Colonies Study Circle (USA) (APS# AF0140) Journal: Mare
Nostrum: quarterly. Dues: $18. Services: annual convention. Purpose: To aid and encourage the
collection and study of stamps and other philatelic material of Italy. Contact Person: Dr. Robert E. Lana, P. O.
Box 7 , Narberth , PA 19072 E-mail: jhlana@hotmail.com Website:
Japanese Philately, International Society for (APS# AF0058) Journal:
Japanese Philately: bimonthly. Dues: $12. Services: local chapters, directory, expertizing, new issues
service, handbooks, exhibition awards, special awards, library. Purpose: To promote an intelligent interest in the
philately and postal history of Japan. Contact Person: Dr. Kenneth Kamholz, P. O. Box 1283 , Haddonfield ,
NJ 08033-0760 E-mail: isjp@comcast.net Website: www.isjp.org/
JAPOS (Journalists, Authors and Poets on Stamps) Study Group * (APS# AF0068) Journal:
JAPOS Bulletin: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $6; outside U.S. $8.50. Services: Purpose: To unite
collectors of stamps featuring journalists, authors, and poets. Contact Person: Mr. George Houle, 7260 Beverly Blvd.
, Los Angeles , CA 90036-2545 E-mail: Houleg@aol.com Website:
Junior Philatelists of America (APS# UN0026) Journal: Philatelic
Observer: bimonthly. Dues: U.S. $9; outside U.S. $14. Services: local chapters, study groups, auctions,
exhibition awards. Purpose: To encourage stamp collecting among youths. Contact Person: Mr. Kenneth P.
Martin, P. O. Box 8084 , State College , PA 16803-8084 E-mail: kpmartin@stamps.org Website: www.jpastamps.org/
Korea Stamp Society (APS# AF0113) Journal: Korean Philately:
quarterly. Dues: $25. Services: directory, expertizing, handbooks, library. Purpose: To further
the study of and publication of information concerning the postal history and stamps of Korea. Contact Person: Mr.
John E. Talmage, Jr., P. O. Box 6889 , Oak Ridge , TN 37831 E-mail: jtalmage@usit.net Website: www.pennfamily.org/KSS-USA/
Latin American Philatelic Society (APS# AF0104) Journal: Latin
American Post: quarterly. Dues: U.S./Canada $15; others $17.50. Services: directory, library. Purpose:
To study Latin American philately and to disburse information. Contact Person: Mr. Jules Beck, 3007 Cavell Ave.,
S. , St. Louis Park , MN 55426 E-mail: beck0391@umn.edu Website:
Liberian Philatelic Society (APS# AF0176) Journal: Journal of
the Liberia Philatelic Society: quarte Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $18. Services: expertizing, slide
programs, annual convention. Purpose: To enhance the avocation of stamp collecting, particularly Liberian Stamps
for the benefit of its members. Contact Person: Mr. Wm. Thomas Lockard, P. O. Box 106 , Wellston , OH
45692-0106 E-mail: tlockard@zoomnet.net Website: faculty.carlow.edu/~trichard/liberia.htm
Lighthouse Stamp Society (APS# AF0221) Journal: The Philatelic
Beacon: bimonthly. Dues: U.S. $12; outside U.S. $20. Services: directory, slide programs, handbooks, exhibition
awards, annual convention. Purpose: To study philatelic material showing lighthouses and to share this information. Contact
Person: Mrs. Dalene T. Thomas, 8612 W. Warren Lane , Lakewood , CO 80227-2352 E-mail:
dalene1@wideopenwest.com Website: www.LighthouseStampSociety.org/
Lions International Stamp Club * (APS# AF0153) Journal: Lions
Intl. Philatelist: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $10; outside U.S. $12. Services: local chapters, directory, new
issue service, annual convention. Purpose: To promote philately and our hobby to others. Contact Person: Mr.
Leonard C. Schwab, 400 Le Fevre Road , Cumberland , MD 21502-2613 E-mail: Website:
Lithuania Philatelic Society (APS# AF0223) Journal: Lithuania
Phil. Soc. Journal; semiannual. Dues: U.S. $10; outside U.S. $15. Services: auctions, annual convention. Purpose:
To promote the study of the stamps and philatelic history of Lithuania. Contact Person: Mr. Stanley J. Alsis, P.
O. Box 102 , Feeding Hills , MA 01030 E-mail: variakojis@earthlink.net Website: www-public.osf.lt/~vasaris/e_bend_0.htm
Local Post Collectors Society (APS# AF0126) Journal: The Poster:
quarterly Dues: U.S./Canada $9; others $15. Services: directory, auctions, handbooks. Purpose:
To promote interest in modern day local posts. Contact Person: Mr. Peter Pierce, 7 Pratt Ave. , Oxford , MA
01540-2826 E-mail: p.oxbou@verizon.net Website:
Machine Cancel Society (APS# UN0024) Journal: Machine Cancel
Forum: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $24. Services: study groups, auctions, handbooks, exhibition
awards, annual convention. Purpose: Organized for collectors of machine cancellations and to expand the body of
knowledge about them. Contact Person: Mr. Gary M. Carlson, 3097 Frobisher Ave. , Dublin , OH 43017
E-mail: gcarlson@columbus.rr.com Website: www.machinecancel.org
Mailer's Postmark Permit Club (APS# AF0100) Journal: Permit
Patter: bimonthly. Dues: U.S. $7; outside U.S $9. Services: directory, auctions, expertizing, special
awards. Purpose: To promote interest in the collecting and use of mailer's postmarks. Contact Person: Mr.
Joseph LoPreiato, 165 Old Farm Dr. , Newington , CT 06111-1819 E-mail: enotriaLP@aol.com Website: www.philatelic.com/mppc/
Maritime Postmark Society (APS# UN0037) Journal: Seaposter:
bimonthly. Dues: U.S. $10; outside U.S. $15. Services: directory, auctions, handbooks. Purpose:
To encourage the study and collecting of all merchant marine mail marking and postmarks and Paquebot marks/postmarks and seaposts. Contact
Person: Mr. Tom Hirschinger, P. O. Box 497 , Wadsworth , OH 44282 E-mail: Website:
Mask Study Unit of A.T.A. (APS# AF0244) Journal: Mask Lore:
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $5; Canada $6; Others $7.50 Services: directory Purpose: The collection
and study of philatelic material portraying various aspect of masks and related objects. Contact Person: Mr. Basil
E. Schumacher, 7104 Brian Crescent , Niagara Falls , ON L2J 3P6 Canada E-mail: kencar@venturalink.net Website: home.prcn.org/~pauld/ata/units/masks.htm
Masonic Study Unit * (APS# AF0094) Journal: The Philatelic Freemason:
bimonthly. Dues: U.S./Canada $8; others $16. Services: Purpose: The collecting and study of
philatelic material protraying various aspects of Masonic personages. Contact Person: Mr. Stanley R. Longenecker,
930 Wood St. , Mount Joy , PA 17552-1926 E-mail: Website:
Massachusetts Postal Research Society (APS# AF0093) Journal: The
Massachusetts Spy: quarterly. Dues: $8. Services: handbook, annual conventions. Purpose: To
encourage research in Mass. postal history and faciliate publication of the same. Contact Person: H. J. W. Daugherty,
P. O. Box 1146 , Eastham , MA 02642 E-mail: hjwd@cape.com Website:
Mathematical Study Unit * (APS# AF0130) Journal: PHILAMATH:
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $10; outside U.S. $13. Services: auctions, checklist, quarterly newsletter. Purpose:
To further the collection and study of stamps and philatelic materials that pertain to mathematics and mathematicians. Contact
Person: Dr. Monty J. Strauss, 4209 88th St. , Lubbock , TX 79423 E-mail: m.strauss@ttu.edu Website: www.math.ttu.edu/msu/
Maximum Card Study Unit (APS# AF0106) Journal: North American
Maximaphily: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $20. Services: Purpose: Organized to promote
the study and collecting of maximum cards. Contact Person: Mr. Daniel Olsen, P. O. Box 9168 , Naples , FL
34101 E-mail: olsenaples@att.net Website:
Meter Stamp Society (APS# AF0193) Journal: Meter Stamp Society
Bulletin: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $20; outside U.S. $36. Services: auctions, handbooks. Purpose:
To support the study of that segment of philately and postal history that deals with the use of postage meters. Contact
Person: Mr. Alexander J. Savakis, P. O. Box 609 , Warren , OH 44482-0609 E-mail: joel5215@aol.com Website: www.meterstampsociety.org
Mexico-Elmhurst Philatelic Society International (APS# UN0043) Journal:
Mexicana: quarterly. Dues: $23. Services: local chapters, study group, directory, auctions, expertizing,
speakers bureau, handbooks, exhibition awards, special awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: Dedicated to
the advancement of the philately of Mexico. Contact Person: Dr. Mark Banchik, P. O. Box 222125 , Great Neck
, NY 11022 E-mail: mebanchik@aol.com Website: home.mepsi.org
Military Postal History Society (APS# UN0019) Journal: M.P.H.S.
Bulletin: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $20; Canada $23; others $25.00. Services: auctions, handbooks, quarterly
journal, slide programs, exhibition awards, special awards, annual convention. Purpose: Collecting and analyzing
world wide military postal history. Contact Person: Mr. Robert T. Kinsley, 5410 Fern Loop , West Richland
, WA 99353-9806 E-mail: kinsley@owt.com Website: homepage.mac.com/mphs/
Minnesota, Postal History Society of (APS# AF0084) Journal: Dues:
$5. Services: auctions, exhibition awards. Purpose: To encourage the study of postal history in general
and that of the state of Minnesota in particular. Contact Person: Mr. John T. Grabowski, P.O. Box 536 , Willernie
, MN 55090-0536 E-mail: minnjohn@alum.mit.edu Website:
Mobile Post Office Society (APS# AF0064) Journal: Transit Postmark
Collector: bimonthly. Dues: $18. Services: directory, auctions, slide programs, handbooks, exhibition
awards, special awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: To study postal history of mail transit, transfer,
and distribution by rail, water, highway, and street car. Contact Person: Mr. Douglas N. Clark, P. O. Box 427
, Marstons Mills , MA 02648-0427 E-mail: dnc@math.uga.edu Website: www.eskimo.com/~rkunz/mposhome.html
Music Circle, Philatelic * (APS# AF0141) Journal: The Baton:
3 per year. Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S.*L8. Services: sales book circuits (UK only), slide programs (UK
only), handbooks, special awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: To promote the collection, study and display
of music philatelic material internationally. Contact Person: Mrs. Cathleen F. Osborne, P. O. Box 1781 , Sequim
, WA 98382 E-mail: Irene.Lawford@btinternet.com Website: www.philatelicmusic.com
Napoleon Age Philatelists (APS# AF0245) Journal: Campaign: quarterly. Dues:
U.S./Canada/Mexico: $12; Others $16. Services: journal. Purpose: Dedicated to philatelic items concerning
Napoleon and the Napoleonic Era (1789-1815). Contact Person: Mr. Donald W. Smith, P. O. Box 576 , Johnstown
, PA 15907-0576 E-mail: Website:
Nepal and Tibet Philatelic Study Circle (APS# AF0122) Journal: Postal
Himal: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $19; outside U.S.*L12. Services: auctions, slide programs, exhibition awards,
annual convention. Purpose: To promote the study of the philately of Nepal and Tibet in all its aspects. Contact
Person: Mr. Roger D. Skinner, 1020 Covington Road , Los Altos , CA 94024 E-mail: Website: www.fuchs-online.com/ntpsc/
Netherlands Philately, American Society of (APS# AF0060) Journal:
Netherlands Philately: 3 per year. Dues: U.S. $20; Canada $25; others $30. Services: library. Purpose:
To promote and support the collecting of philatelic material related to the Netherlands and its former colonies. Contact
Person: Mr. J. Enthoven, 221 Coachlite Ct., S. , Onalaska , WI 54650-8710 E-mail:
jenthoven@centurytel.net Website: www.angelfire.com/ca2/asnp
New Jersey Postal History Society (APS# AF0095) Journal: NJPH:
4 per year. Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $20. Services: directory, auctions, slide programs, speakers
bureau, handbooks, exhibition awards, annual convention. Purpose: Research and dissemination of the postal history
of the colony and state of New Jersey. Contact Person: Mr. Robert G. Rose, P. O. Box 1945 , Morristown , NJ
07962 E-mail: Njpostalhistory@aol.com Website: members.aol.com:/njpostalhistory/phsindex.htm
Nicaragua Study Group (APS# AF0234) Journal: Nicarao: quarterly. Dues:
$15. Services: directory, handbooks, exhibitioin awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: To study
the postal and fiscal emissions of Nicaragua and its postal history. Contact Person: Mr. Erick Rodriguez, 11817
S.W. 11th St. , Miami , FL 33184-2501 E-mail: nsgsec@yahoo.com Website: clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/nicaraguastudygroup
North Carolina Postal History Society (APS# AF0155) Journal: North
Carolina Postal Historian: quarterly. Dues: $15. Services: speakers bureau, handbooks, exhibition awards,
special awards, annual convention. Purpose: Promote the study and publication of North Carolina postal history. Contact
Person: Mr. Tony L. Crumbley, P. O. Box 219 , Newell , NC 28126 E-mail: TCrumbley@charlottechamber.org Website:
Ohio Postal History Society (APS# AF0066) Journal: Ohio Postal
History Journal: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. By Arrangement. Services: study groups, handbooks,
exhibition awards, annual meeting. Purpose: To cultivate and promote the study of the postal history of the state
of Ohio. Contact Person: James L. Baumann, Ph.D., 5248 Sheila Dr. , Toledo , OH 43613-2442 E-mail:
Website: members.aol.com/OPHS3/ophs.html
Old World Archaeological Study Unit (APS# AF0092) Journal: Old
World Archaeologist: quarterly. Dues: $10. Services: Purpose: To promote the collection and
study of material related to the archaeology of the old world. Contact Person: Mr. Merle Farrington, 10 Clark St.
, Medway , MA 02053 E-mail: merle.farrington@fmglobal.com Website:
Orange Free State Study Circle (APS# AF0196) Journal: Orange
Free State Bulletin: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $16; outside U.S.*L10. Services: auctions, expertizing, speakers
bureau, special awards. Purpose: The study of the Orange Free State and the Orage River Colony. Contact Person:
Mr. Alan MacGregor, 'Kinglets',1 Forder's Close, Woodfalls , Salisbury, Wilts. , SP5 2QB England E-mail:
Website: www.ofssc.org
Ottoman and Near East Philatelic Society (APS# AF0247) Journal:
The Levant; 3 issue per year. Dues: North America $20; other $25. Services: Purpose: Promote
the collection and study of the postage stamps, postal stationery, revenues and postal history of the Ottoman Empire, Republic
of Turkey, and Ottoman successor states. Contact Person: Mr. Gary Paiste, 4249 Berritt St. , Fairfax , VA
22030 E-mail: rstuchell@msn.com Website: www.oneps.org
Pacific Islands Study Circle (APS# AF0226) Journal: Pacifica:
quarterly. Dues: US/Others$ 20; UK/Europe*L7.50. Services: auctions, speakers bureau, handbooks, special
awards. Purpose: To foster the study of philately and postal history of the Pacific Island Area. Contact Person:
Mr. John D. Ray, 24 Woodvale Ave. , London , SE25 4AE England E-mail: secretary@pisc.org.uk Website: http://www.pisc.org.uk
Pacific Northwest Postal History Society (APS# AF0147) Journal:
The Oregon Country: quarterly Dues: $15. Services: study groups. Purpose: The study of the
postal history of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana. Contact Person: Mr. William R. Beith, P. O. Box 301263
, Portland , OR 97294-9263 E-mail: wrbeith@attbi.com Website:
Papuan Philatelic Society (APS# AF0228) Journal: Papua New Guinea
Calling: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $22; outside U.S.*L10. Services: auctions. Purpose: Promotion
of all aspects of philately of Papua New Guinea and its forerunner. Contact Person: Mr. Steven G. Zirinsky, P. O.
Box 230049 , New York , NY 10023-0001 E-mail: szirinsky@cs.com Website:
Pennsylvania Postal History Society (APS# AF0050) Journal: Pennsylvania
Postal Historian: quarterly Dues: $17.50 Services: handbooks, exhibition awards, annual convention. Purpose:
To research and promote knowledge of Pa. postal history through publication, exhibition and covention. Contact Person:
Dr. Norman Shachat, 382 Tall Meadow Lane , Yardley , PA 19067 E-mail: nshachat@aol.com Website:
Perfins Club, The (APS# AF0057) Journal: The Perfins Bulletin:
10 per year. Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $20. Services: study groups, directory, auctions, speakers bureau,
handbooks, exhibition awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: An organization devoted to the collection and
study of Perforated Initials and Insignia in postage and revenue stamps. Contact Person: Mr. Kurt Ottenheimer, 462
W. Walnut St. , Long Beach , NY 11561 E-mail: oak462@juno.com Website: www.perfins.com/perfclub.htm
Petroleum Philatelic Society International * (APS# AF0170) Journal:
The Petro-Philatelist: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $11; outside U.S. $15. Services: Purpose:
To promote the study and collection of petroleum postal stamps and related materials. Contact Person: Mr. H. Victor
Copeland, 615 Orion Dr. , Colorado Springs , CO 80906-1016 E-mail: corwin@pdq.net Website:
Philatelic Computing Study Group (APS# AF0212) Journal: The
Compulatelist; quarterly. Dues: U.S. $10; Canada/Mexico $12; others $15. Services: directory, annual convention.
. Purpose: To assist computer-using stamp collectors in combing the two areas of interest. Contact Person:
Mr. William F. Sharpe, 455 Lincoln Blvd. , Santa Moncia , CA 90402 E-mail: dviolini@west.net Website: www.pcsg.org
Philatelic Pages and Panels, American Society for (APS# AF0165) Journal:
Page & Panel Journal: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $21. Services: directory, auctions,
expertizing, slide programs, speakers bureau, handbooks, exhibition awards, library, annual convention. Purpose:
to promulgate interest in US Souvenir Pages and Commemorative Panels. Contact Person: Mr. Gerald L. Blankenship,
P. O. Box 475 , Crosby , TX 77532 E-mail: gblank1941@aol.com Website: www.asppp.org
Philatelists and Numismatists, Society of (APS# AF0116) Journal:
ExSPANsion: 3 per year. Dues: $10. Services: Purpose: International organization whose
members specialize in the collection of philatelic numismatic combinations. Contact Person: Eunice Alter, 19472
Catfish Circle , Huntington Beach , CA 92646-2806 E-mail: span@atsecure.net Website: span.atsecure.net
Philaticians, Society of (APS# AF0143) Journal: The Philatelic
Journalist: quarterly. Dues: $15. Services: Purpose: To unite philatelic writers and to support
activities which create interest in philately and philatelic Literature. Contact Person: Mr. Israel I. Bick, P.
O. Box 854 , Van Nuys , CA 91408 E-mail: iibick@aol.com Website: www/bick.net
Philippine Philatelic Society, International (APS# AF0054) Journal:
Philippine Philatelic News: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $20; outside U.S. $25. Services: study groups, auctions,
expertizing , speakers bureau, exhibition awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: To promote Philippine philately. Contact
Person: CAPT David S. Durbin, 3604 Darice Lane , Jefferson City , MO 65109-6812 E-mail:
yacano@advi.net Website:
Pitcairn Islands Study Group (APS# AF0046) Journal: Pitcairn
Log: quarterly Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S.*L9. Services: local chapters, study groups, auctions. Purpose:
To study the stamps, postal history and people of the Pitcairn Islands. Contact Person: Rev. Nelson A. L. Weller,
2940 Wesleyan Lane , Winston-Salem , NC 27106 E-mail: nalweller@aol.com Website:
Plate Number Coil Collectors Club (APS# AF0185) Journal: Coil
Line: monthly. Dues: U.S. $10; Canada/Mexico $15; others $20. Services: directory, auctions, slide programs,
exhibiton awards, special awards, annual convention. Purpose: To seek and gain information and pursue a variety
of collecting interests concerning plate number coil stamps. Contact Person: Mr. Gene C. Trinks, 3603 Bellows Ct.
, Troy , MI 48083 E-mail: ron.maifeld@pnc3.org Website: www.pnc3.org
Plate Number Single Society, American (APS# AF0178) Journal: Plate
Numbers: bi-monthly. Dues: U.S. $8, outside U.S. $9. Services: sales book circuits, auctions, library. Purpose:
To study the plate numbers that were used to print US issues. To exchange and share knowledge with other members. Contact
Person: Mr. Richard E. Burdsall, P. O. Box 1023 , Palatine , IL 60078-1023 E-mail:
reb608@attbi.com Website:
Plebiscite-Memel-Saar Study Group, GPS (APS# AF0197) Journal: PMS
Study Group Bulletin: 3 per year. Dues: U.S. $12; outside U.S. $22. Services: library, annual convention. Purpose:
To advance the philately of Allenstein, Marienwerder, Schleswig, Upper Silesia, Memel and Saar. Contact Person: Mr.
Clayton J. Wallace, 100 Lark Ct. , Alamo , CA 94507 E-mail: clay11@directvinternet.com Website:
Polar Philatelists, American Society of (APS# UN0031) Journal: Ice
Cap News: quarterly. Dues: $22. Services: study groups, auctions, handbooks, exhibition awards, annual
convention. Purpose: To encourage and support the study of philately and postal history of the polar regions. Contact
Person: Mr. Alan Warren, P. O. Box 39 , Exton , PA 19341-0039 E-mail: alanwar@att.net Website: www.south-pole.com/p0000010.htm
Polonus Philatelic Society (APS# AF0119) Journal: Polonus Bulletin:
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $25; outside U.S. $30. Services: expertizing, exhibition awards, annual covention.
Purpose: To promote and encourage philately of Poland. Contact Person: Mr. Arkadiusz Walinski, 7414 Lincoln
Ave., #D , Skokie , IL 60076 E-mail: biistamp@charter.net Website: www.polonus.org
Portuguese Philately, International Society for (APS# AF0035) Journal:
Portu-Info: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $20; outside U.S. $25. Services: auctions, expertizing, handbooks,
special awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: To encourage and promote the study and collection of philatelic
material of Portugal and past/present territories. Contact Person: Mr. Clyde J. Homen, 1491 Bonnie View Road
, Hollister , CA 95023-5117 E-mail: cjh@hollinet.com Website: www.portugalstamps.com
Post Mark Collectors Club (APS# AF0062) Journal: PMCC Bulletin:
11 per year. Dues: U.S. $18; outside U.S. $26. Services: local chapters, directory, auctions, exhibition
awards, special awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: To facilitate and encourage the exchange of postmarks,
postal markings, covers and related items. Contact Person: Mr. Robert W. Govern, 404 Rustic Ridge Road , Cary
, NC 27511-3752 E-mail: bobgovern@juno.com Website: www.postmarks.org
Postal History Foundation (APS# AF0148) Journal: Dues:
U.S. $25; outside U.S. $40. Services: speakers bureau, library. Purpose: To built an excellent reference
collect- ion of western postal history. Contact Person: Mrs. Elizabeth G. Towle, P. O. Box 40725 , Tucson
, AZ 85717 E-mail: phf3@mindspring.com Website:
Postal History Society (APS# AF0044) Journal: Postal History
Journal: 3 per year. Dues: U.S. $30; Canada & Mexico $35; outside U.S. $40. Services: exhibition awards,
annual convention. Purpose: To foster interest in writing about, studying, collecting and exhibiting postal history. Contact
Person: Mrs. Diane D. Boehret, P. O. Box 61774 , Virginia Beach , VA 23466-1774 E-mail:
boedem@cox.net Website:
Postal Label Study Group (APS# AF0207) Journal: The Bulletin;
quarterly. Dues: U.S./Canada $7; others $10. Services: study groups, auctions, expertizing, handbooks,
library. Purpose: To bring together collectors of postal labels for the exchange of information and material of
mutual interest. Contact Person: Mr. Charles H. Smith, 13910-B Rio Hondo Circle , La Mirada , CA 90638
E-mail: smithplsg@aol.com Website: wwwplsg.homestead.com/tomspage.html
Postal Order Society, The (APS# AF0167) Journal: Postal Order
News: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $10; outside U.S.*L5. Services: directory, sales book circuits, auctions,
new issue service, special awards, annual convention. Purpose: To study, promote and encourage the collecting of
Postal Orders and their history. Contact Person: Mr. Jack Harwood, P. O. Box 32015 , Sarasota , FL 34239
E-mail: jharwood@attglobal.net Website:
Postal Stationery Society, United (APS# AF0020) Journal: Postal
Stationery: bimonthly. Dues: U.S. $18; outside U.S. $25. Services: local chapters, directory, sales book
circuits, auctions,slide programs, handbooks, exhibition awards, special awards, annual convention. Purpose: The
world's foremost society dedicated to the advancement of world postal stationery collecting. Contact Person: Ms.
Cora Collins, P. O. Box 1792 , Norfolk , VA 23501-1792 E-mail: Poststat@juno.com Website: www.upss.org
Postcard Dealers, International Federation of (APS# AF0174) Journal:
IFPD Newsletter: quarterly. Dues: $35. Services: directory, annual convention. Purpose:
To bring recognition and integrity to postcard dealers and coridal relations between dealers and collectors. Contact
Person: Mr. John H. McClintock, P. O. Box 1765A , Manassas , VA 20108 E-mail: Website:
Postcard History Society (APS# AF0187) Journal: Postcard History
Society: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $7; outside U.S. $9. Services: expertizing(postcards only), slide programs,
library. Purpose: Study and research of postcards. Contact Person: Mr. Jim Ward, 1795 Kleinfeltersville
Road , Stevens , PA 17578 E-mail: Website:
Precancel Stamp Society (APS# AF0065) Journal: The Precancel
Forum: monthly. Dues: $17. Services: local chapters, study groups, directory, auctions,handbooks, exhibition
awards, special awards, annual convention. Purpose: Promote precancel collecting. Contact Person: Mr.
Arnold H. Selengut, P. O. Box 16681 , Temple Terrace , FL 33687 E-mail: arnsel@worldnet.att.net Website: www.precancels.org
Ration Token Collectors, Society of (APS# AF0230) Journal: The
Ration Board: quarterly. Dues: $8. Services: study groups, auctions, handbooks, library, annual convention. Purpose:
To collect, research, verify and promote information regarding all forms of rationing materials. Contact Person: Mr.
Dennis Dillman, North Residence Bldg., Apt. 506 601 Pennsylvania Ave. N. W., Washington , DC 20004 E-mail:
Religion on Stamps, Collectors of (APS# AF0206) Journal: The
COROS Chronicle: bi-monthly. Dues: U.S. $22; outside U.S. $24. Services: study group, directory, slide
programs, exhibition awards, special awards. Purpose: Dedicated to the collection & study of philatelic material
whose design feature some element of religious significance. Contact Person: Ms. Verna D. Shackleton, 425 N. Linwood
Ave., Apt. 110 , Appleton , WI 54914-3476 E-mail: corosec@powernetonline.com Website: www.powernetonline.com/~corosec/coros1.htm
Revenue Association, American (APS# AF0051) Journal: The American
Revenuer: 6 per year. Dues: $18. Services: local chapters, directory, sales book circuits, auctions, handbooks,
exhibition award, special awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: To stimulate the collection and study of
fiscal stamps of the world, to publish and publicize the results of such study. Contact Person: Mr. Ronald E. Lesher,
Sr., P. O. Box 1663 , Easton , MD 21601-1663 E-mail: revenuer@dmv.com Website: www.revenuer.org
Rhodesian Study Circle (APS# AF0107) Journal: The Journal of
the RSC: quarterly. Dues: *L10. Services: local chapters, study groups, sales book circuits (UK only),
auctions, handbooks, exhibition awards, special awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: To study all aspect
of philately of Rhodesia and Related Territories. Contact Person: Mr. William R. Wallace, P. O. Box 16381
, San Francisco , CA 94116 E-mail: bwall8rscr@earthlink.net Website: www.rhodesianstudycircle.org.uk
Rotary-on-Stamps * (APS# AF0117) Journal: Rotary on Stamps Bulletin:
6 per year. Dues: U.S. $20. Services: study groups, slide programs, new issues service,handbooks, exhibition
awards, annual convention. Purpose: Fellowship and friendship extension throughout the Rotary world through philately. Contact
Person: Mr. Donald E. Fiery, P. O. Box 333 , Hanover , PA 17331 E-mail: Website:
Russian Philately, Rossica Society of (APS# AF0171) Journal: Rossica
Journal: 2 per year. Dues: $25 Services: local chapters, handbooks, exhibition awards, special awards,
library, annual convention. Purpose: To promote the collection and study of Russian and related philately. Contact
Person: Dr. G. Adolph Ackerman, 629 Sanbridge Circle, E. , Worthington , OH 43085 E-mail:
gcombs@cablespeed.com Website: www.rossica.org
Ryukyu Philatelic Specialist Society (APS# AF0047) Journal: From
the Dragon's Den: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $12.50; outside U.S. $15. Services: local chapters, directory,
expertizing, exhibition awards. Purpose: To promote serious study of the philately and postal history of the Ryukyu
Islands under US Administration. Contact Person: Mr. Carmine J. Divincenzo, P. O. Box 381 , Clayton , CA
94517-0381 E-mail: Website: users.netmdc.com/~rpss/index.htm
Samoa Specialists, Fellowship of (APS# AF0240) Journal: The
Samoa Express: quarterly. Dues: $15. Services: Purpose: To promote philatelic research and
study of all aspects of Samoa. Contact Person: Mr. Martin J. Miller, 102-20 67th Dr. , Flushing , NY
11375-2809 E-mail: MMiller@LadasParry.com Website: members.aol.com/TongaJan/foss.html
Sarawak Specialists' Society (APS# AF0110) Journal: The Sarawak
Journal: quarterly. Dues: 10 British Pounds or US equilvent. Services: study groups, directory, sales
book circuits (England only), auctions, speakers bureau, handbooks, library, annual convention. Purpose: Study of
stamps and postal history of Sarawak, North Borneo and Labuan. Contact Person: Mr. Stuart Leven, P. O.Box 24764
, San Jose , CA 95154 E-mail: stulev@ix.netcom.com Website: www.britborneostamps.org.uk
Scandinavian Collectors Club (APS# AF0079) Journal: The Posthorn:
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $21. Services: local chapters, study groups, directory, sales
book circuits, slide programs, handbooks, exhibition awards, special awards, library, annual convention Purpose:
Promotion of Scandinavian-area philately. Contact Person: Mr. Donald B. Brent, P. O. Box 13196 , El Cajon
, CA 92020 E-mail: dbrent47@sprynet.com Website: www.scc-online.org
Scandinavian Philatelic Foundation (APS# AF0137) Journal: Semi-annual
(informal newsletters). Dues: $10 or greater donation. Services: handbooks. Purpose: To promote
Scandinavian Philately through translation and publication of articles & other educational techniques. Contact Person:
Mr. Alan Warren, P. O. Box 39 , Exton , PA 19341-0039 E-mail: alanwar@att.net Website:
Scouts on Stamps Society International * (APS# AF0202) Journal:
SOSSI Journal: bi-monthly. Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $18. Services: local chapters, study groups,
auctions, slide programs, speakers bureau, handbookds, library, annual convention. Purpose: To promote the interest
of international good will through Scout Philately. Contact Person: Mr. Walter M. Creitz, 830 Berkshire Dr.
, Reading , PA 19601 E-mail: wcreitz@aol.com Website: www.sossi.org/
Ship Cancellation Society, Universal (APS# AF0098) Journal: USCS
Log: monthly. Dues: U.S. $20; outside U.S. $25. Services: local chapters, study groups, directory, sales
circuits, auctions, slide programs handbooks, annual convention. Purpose: To promote the study of the U.S. Navy
and its ships, postal markings of the Navy and other maritime organizations. Contact Person: Mr. David A. Kent,
P. O. Box 127 , New Britain , CT 06050 E-mail: Website: www.uscs.org/
Ships on Stamps Unit * (APS# AF0152) Journal: Watercraft Philately:
bimonthly. Dues: U.S. $12; Canada $14; others $20. Services: directory, handbooks, exhibition awards,
annual convention. Purpose: To promote the study of ships and to support the preservation of our maritime heritage. Contact
Person: Mr. R. P. Stuckert, 2750 Hwy. 21 East , Paint Lick , KY 40461 E-mail: Website: personal.palouse.net/hobbies/shipstamps/
Southern Africa, Philatelic Society for Greater (APS# AF0190) Journal:
Forerunners: 3 per year. Dues: $25. Services: study group, directory, auctions, expertizing, exhibition
awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: To support/enhance appreciation, under- standing and knowledge in areas
of mutual philatelic interest. Contact Person: Dr. Robert F. Taylor, 674 Chelsea Dr. , Sanford , NC
27330-8587 E-mail: rtaylor@wave-net.net Website:
Souvenir Card Collectors Society (APS# AF0149) Journal: The
Souvenir Card Journal: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $20; outside U.S. $25. Services: local chapters, auctions,
annual convention. Purpose: An organization of collectors and dealer members for the promotion of the collection
of souvenir cards. Contact Person: Mr. Douglas B. Holl, P. O. Box 234 , Annandale , VA 22003 E-mail:
Space Topics Study Group * (APS# AF0029) Journal: Astrophile:
bimonthly. Dues: $15. Services: local chapters, directory, auctions, expertizing, speakers bureau, handbooks,
exhibition awards, special awards, annual convention. Purpose: Organized for collectors of philatelic space-related
material including covers, stamps and rocket mail. Contact Person: Mr. Ray E. Cartier, 2509 Buffalo Dr. ,
Arlington , TX 76013 E-mail: Website: stargate.1usa.com/stamps/
Spanish Main, The (APS# AF0162) Journal: The Mainsheet: occasional. Dues:
U.S. $22; outside U.S.*L10. Services: study groups, sales books circuits, auctions, speckers bureau, handbooks,
special awards, annual convention. Purpose: To further knowledge and research into all areas of Latin American philately. Contact
Person: Mr. Brian Moorhouse, P. O. Box 105 , Peterborough , PE3 8TQ England E-mail:
brian@moorhouse.com Website: brian.moorhouse.com
Spanish Philatelic Society (APS# AF0201) Journal: ARANA: quarterly. Dues:
U.S. $15; outside U.S. $22.50. Services: directory, auction, library, annual convention. Purpose:
To promote the knowledge, interest and study of Spanish Philatelic. Contact Person: Mr. Jerry A. Wells, 3313 Melaine
, Plano , TX 75023 E-mail: bj.wells@verizon.net Website:
Spellman Museum of Stamps/Postal History (APS# AF0166) Journal:
Spellman Museum of Stamps/Postal History Update; 5 Dues: Individual $30 (Contact museum for other membership
category prices) Services: speakers bureau, library, education programs, free admission to museum. Purpose:
A museum of stamps and postal history accredited by the American Assoc. of Museums. Contact Person: Mr. George Norton,
235 Wellesley St. , Weston , MA 02493 E-mail: george.norton@spellman.org Website: www.spellman.org
Sports Philatelists International * (APS# UN0039) Journal: Journal
of Sports Philately: bimonthly. Dues: U.S. $20; outside U.S. $30. Services: directory, auctions, cover
service, exhibition awards, annual convention. Purpose: Serve as an independent focus for collectors of sports stamps
and related material the world over. Contact Person: Mr. Glenn A. Estus, P. O. Box 451 , Westport , NY
12993 E-mail: docj3@sportstamps.org Website: www.sportstamps.org
St. Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha Philatelic Society (APS# AF0085) Journal:
South Atlantic Chronicle: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $20; outside U.S. $23-$25. Services: directory, auctions,
handbooks, special awards, library. Purpose: The study, research, and collecting of philatelic materials of St.
Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha and study of history and socio-economic conditions of the islands. Contact Person:
Dr. Everett L. Parker, HC 76, Box 32 , Greenville , ME 04441-9727 E-mail: eparker@midmaine.com Website: www.atlanticislands.org
Stamp Dealers Association, National (APS# AF0225) Journal: NSDA
Update Dues: $50. Services: directory, annual convention. Purpose: To serve dealer members and
promote stamp collecting. Contact Person: Mr. Edward G. Rosen, P. O. Box 7176 , Redwood City , CA 94063-7176
E-mail: NSDAinc@aol.com Website: www.NSDAinc.org
Stamporama (APS# AF0242) Journal: The Rambler: monthly. Dues:
Free Services: directory, auctions. Purpose: Connecting philatelists worldwide through a journal,
swaps, round robin and mentoring. Contact Person: Mr. David Teisler, 268 Linden Ave. , Red Hook , NY
12571-1032 E-mail: teisler@aabt.org Website: www.stamporama.com
Stamps on Stamps Collectors Club * (APS# AF0127) Journal: SOS
Signal: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $9; outside U.S. $12. Services: Purpose: Organized as a coming
together of collectors of Stamps on Stamps and Centenary issues. Contact Person: Mr. William E. Critzer, 1360 Trinity
Dr. , Menlo Park , CA 94025 E-mail: wllmcritz@aol.com Website: www.stampsonstamps.org
State Revenue Society (APS# AF0164) Journal: State Revenue News:
4 per year. Dues: U.S. $12; outside U.S. $18. Services: directory, auctions, handbooks, library, annual
convention. Purpose: To promote the study and collection of state and local revenue stamps of the US. Contact
Person: Mr. Scott M. Troutman, P. O. Box 270184 , Oklahoma City , OK 73137-0184 E-mail:
Website: hillcity-mall.com/SRS/
Tannu Tuva Collectors Society (APS# AF0235) Journal: TbBA:irregular
Dues: $7.50. Services: auctions, handbooks, library. Purpose: Study and publicize Tannu Tuva
Philately/Numismatic. Contact Person: Kenneth R. Simon, 513 6th Ave., S. , Lake Worth , FL 33460-4507
E-mail: fpo09501@yahoo.com Website: www.geocities.com/ttcsinc
Texas Postal History Society (APS# AF0076) Journal: Texas Postal
History Journal: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $14; outside U.S. $20. Services: directory, exhibition awards,
annual convention. Purpose: Dedicated to the collection, study, exhibition and writing of Texas Postal History. Contact
Person: Mr. Lyle C. Boardman, 3916 Wyldwood Road , Austin , TX 78739 E-mail: lcboardman@aol.com Website:
Thai Philately, Society for (APS# AF0078) Journal: Thai Philately:
three times yearly. Dues: $22. Services: study groups, directory, auctions, exhibition awards, special
awards, library. Purpose: To promote the study of the stamps and postal history of Thailand (Siam). Contact
Person: H. R. Blakeney, P. O. Box 44142 , Oklahoma City , OK 73144-1142 E-mail: hrblakeney@mozart.inet.co.th Website: www.thaiphilately.com
Trans Mississippi Philatelic Society (APS# AF0238) Journal: Trans
Mississippian; quarterly. Dues: $16 Services: local chapters, expertizings, slide programs, speakers bureau,
exhibition awards, special awards, annual convention Purpose: To cultivate a feeling of friendship among philatelist,
to permit research, study, investigation and the dissemination of philatelic knowledge. Contact Person: Mr. Alfred
E. Mack, Apt. 210A 2571 Guthrie Ave., Des Moines , IA 50317-3019 E-mail: suealmack@mchsi.com Website:
U.S. Cancellation Club (APS# AF0075) Journal: U.S. Cancellation
Club News: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $16; outside U.S. $25. Services: directory, auctions, exhibition awards,
library, annual convention. Purpose: Devoted to the study and research of cancellations and postal markings of the
United States. Contact Person: Mr. Roger D. Curran, 20 University Ave. , Lewisburg , PA 17837
E-mail: rrrhoads@aol.com Website: www.geocities.com/Athens/2088/uscchome.htm
U.S. Philatelic Classics Society (APS# UN0011) Journal: The
Chronicle of the US Classic Postal Issues: qua Dues: U.S. $22.50; outside U.S. $30.50. Services: local
chapters, study groups, directory, speakers bureau, handbooks, exhibition awards, special awards, annual convention. Purpose:
To study the postal issues and history of the classics period of the US, and to publish research relating to this era. Contact
Person: Mr. Grant W. Kehres, 2000 Glades Road, Ste. 302 , Boca Raton , FL 33432 E-mail:
membershipchairman@uspcs.org Website: www.uspcs.org
U.S. Possessions Philatelic Society (APS# AF0099) Journal: Possessions:
quarterly. Dues: $15 Services: library. Purpose: The collection, study, and publication of information
on the U.S. Possessions, Administered Areas, and Offices Abroad. Contact Person: Mr. Geoffrey Brewster, 141 Lyford
Dr. , Tiburon , CA 94920 E-mail: Website:
Ukrainian Philatelic and Numismatic Society (APS# AF0134) Journal:
Ukrainian Philatelist: semi-annual. Dues: U.S. $25; outside U.S. $35. Services: local chapters, study
groups, directory, expertizing,special awards, library, annual convention. Purpose: Dedicated to the promotion and
advancement of Ukrainian stamp, coin, and medal collecting. Contact Person: Mr. Paul Spiwak, 42 Irving Road
, New Hartford , NY 13413 E-mail: Yurko@warwick.net Website: www.upns.org
United Nations Philatelists * (APS# AF0071) Journal: The Journal
of the UNP: bimonthly. Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $25. Services: local chapters, auctions, handbooks,
exhibition awards, special awards, annual convention. Purpose: To join together for the collecting and/or study
of U.N. philately. Contact Person: Mr. Alex L. Bereson, 18 Portola Dr. , San Francisco , CA 94131
E-mail: Website: www.unpi.com
United States Stamp Society (APS# AF0150) Journal: The United
States Specialist: monthly. Dues: U.S. $25; outside U.S. $32. Services: study groups, handbooks, exhibition
award, annual convention. Purpose: To promote the study of all postage and revenue stamps and stamped paper of the
U.S. and U.S. administered areas produced by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and other contract printers. Contact
Person: Mr. Larry Ballantyne, P. O. Box 6634 , Katy , TX 77491-6634 E-mail: Website: www.usstamps.org/
Universal Postal Union Collectors * (APS# AF0070) Journal: Goble
Union: quarterly. Dues: U.S./Canada $12; others $19. Services: directory, auctions. Purpose:
Organized for collectors interested in the collection and history of any phase of Universal Postal Union material. Contact
Person: Mr. Charles J. Rejto, P. O. Box 125 , Barrington , RI 02806 E-mail: Website:
Vatican Philatelic Society (APS# AF0129) Journal: Vatican Notes:
bimonthly. Dues: U.S. $9; outside U.S. $16. Services: auctions, slide programs, exhibition awards, special
award, library, annual convention. Purpose: The first and oldest philatelic society in the United States devoted
exclusively to Vatican City and Roman State stamps. Contact Person: Mr. Thomas I. Crimando, 8143 Mill Road
, Bergen , NY 14416 E-mail: Website: members.tripod.com/~Dcelani/index-VPS.html
Vermont Philatelic Society (APS# AF0156) Journal: Vermont Philatelist:
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $10; outside U.S. $15. Services: directory, auctions, handbooks, special awards,
library, annual convention. Purpose: Promote the study of Vermont Postal History. Contact Person: Dr.
Paul G. Abajian, P.O. Box 475 , Essex Junction , VT 05453-0475 E-mail: pga@surfglobal.net Website: www.voicenet.com/~vpsoc
Virginia Postal History Society (APS# UN0041) Journal: Way Markings:
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $15; outside U.S. $35. Services: auctions, exhibition awards, annual convention. Purpose:
Advancement and dissemination of research and knowledge about Virginia's rich postal history. Contact Person: Mr.
Robert L. Lisbeth, 7525 Fairwood Lane , Falls Church , VA 22046-1920 E-mail: ael@virginia.edu Website: www.virginiapostalhistory.com
West Africa Study Circle (APS# AF0231) Journal: Cameo; twice
annually, newsletter; quarterly. Dues: U.S. $24; Canada $36; UK*L12; others*L14. Services: auction, speakers
bureau, handbooks, library, annual convention. Purpose: To encourage the study of stamps, postal stationery, and
postal history of the West African countries. Contact Person: Dr. Peter Newroth, 520 Marsett Pl., #33 , Victoria
, BC V8Z 7J1 Canada E-mail: prnew@shaw.ca Website: ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/frankwalton/homepage.htm
Western Cover Society (APS# UN0014) Journal: Western Express:
quarterly. Dues: $25. Services: study group, directory, handbooks, special awards, annual convention. Purpose:
To exchange ideas and information on covers and postmarks of the West. Contact Person: Mr. John R. Drew, 15370 Skyview
Terr. , San Jose , CA 95132-3042 E-mail: patera@teleport.com Website:
Wine on Stamps Study Unit (APS# AF0233) Journal: Enophilatelica;
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $8; outside U.S. $14. Services: local chapter, directory, annual convention. Purpose:
The collection and study of stamps and related material portraying the various aspects of wine. Contact Person: Dr.
James D. Crum, 816 Kingsbury Ct. , Arroyo Grande , CA 93420-4511 E-mail: jdakcrum@aol.com Website:
Wisconsin Postal History Society (APS# AF0061) Journal: Badger
Postal History: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $12. Services: handbooks Purpose: To collect and disseminate
information on the postal history of Wisconsin for educational and historical uses. Contact Person: Mrs. MaryAnn
J. Bowman, P. O. Box 1451 , Waukesha , WI 53187 E-mail: Website:
Women on Stamps Study Unit * (APS# AF0118) Journal: The Topical
Woman: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $8; outside U.S $12. Services: directory, handbook. Purpose: To
study in depth philatelic material relating to women and to share knowledge with others. Contact Person: Davida
Kristy, 515 Ocean Ave., #608S , Santa Monica , CA 90402 E-mail: dkristy@sprintmail.com Website:
Worldwide Stamp Collectors, International Society of (APS# AF0151) Journal:
The Circuit: bimonthly. Dues: $12. Services: directory, sales book circuits, auctions, exhibition
awards, special awards. Purpose: To promote the collecting of postage stamps of the world, particularly among youth. Contact
Person: Dr. Anthony Zollo, P. O. Box 150407 , Lufkin , TX 75915-0402 E-mail: stamptmf@frontiernet.net Website: www.iswsc.org
Writers Unit, APS (APS# UN0030) Journal: The Philatelic Communicator:
quarterly. Dues: U.S. $15; Canada/Mexico $17.50; others $20. Services: special awards. Purpose:
Organization to share common interests of philatelic writers, editors, and publishers. Contact Person: Mr. George
B. Griffenhagen, 2501 Drexel St. , Vienna , VA 22180 E-mail: Website:
Zeppelin Collectors Club (APS# AF0135) Journal: The Zeppelin
Collector: quarterly. Dues: U.S. $23; outside U.S. $28. Services: Purpose: Educational, charitable,
literary, and scientific. Contact Person: Cheryl Ganz, P. O. Box A3843 , Chicago , IL 60690-3843
E-mail: Website: ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/aams/