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Reference(Stamp Identifier Greek Alphabet)
Washington 2006
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New Listings

Andorran Postal Museum (03/18/01 Andorra)
A new (1999) museum The new Museum is located in the historic "Borda del Raser" at the entrance to the village of Ordino is an extension to the Casa Plandolit.


Chinese Postal Museum (03/18/01 Taiwan)
A good tour of a terrific postal museum. Visit this site and you will find plenty to enjoy.
French Postal Museum (03/18/01 France)
A philatelic treasure with lots of postal history and stamp images.
Post and Tele Museum (11/29/99 Paul Denmark)
The official website of the new Postal and Telecommunications Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark. Get to know Danish communication history from King Christian IV's public postal services to computer-based telecommunications.
Postal Museum of Greece (03/18/01 Greece)
The Museum has been in operation since 1978.
Smithsonian National Postal Museum (03/18/01 USA)
Spellman Museum (05/05/00 Viki Sand USA)
The Spellman Museum engages diverse audiences in the opportunities to learn from stamps and postal history. It maintains a regular schedule of exhibitions and public programs. (Specialties: Postal History,Stamps)
Stamp Museum of French Polynesia (Tahiti) (03/18/01 French Polynesia)
Sweden Postal Museum (03/23/97 contact Sweden)
Swedish Postal Museum (03/18/01 Sweden)
A very enjoyable philatelic site with a wide range of interesting permanent and temporary exhibits
The Egyptian Post Museum (03/18/01 Egypt)
A major national museum that chronicles the development of postal services in Egypt since ancient times. Postal services flourished in Egypt since the Pharaonic Old and Middle kingdoms and have been a paradigm of precision .


  • Tirana
    Albanian Mail Enterprise, Postal Museu, "Rreshit collaku" Str, Tirana
    Contents unknown.


  • Ordino
    The New Andorran Postal Museum, Borda Raser, Ordino, Andorra.
    Displays cover the development of written communication, the philatelic representation of Andorra, stamps issued by the two Postal Services and thematics. Also the technical side of stamp production and items from distinguished local collectors.


  • Buenos Aires
    Empresa Nacional de Correos y Telegrafos, Encotel, Buenos Aires 1000
    General Post Office library on 6th floor, Room 631. Museum at 851 Avenida de los Italianos.


  • Adelaide
    Philatelic Society of South Australia, GPO Box 1937 Adelaide, South Australia 5001
    Contents unknown, no data about access for non-members.

  • Brisbane
    General Post Office Museum, 261/285 Queen St, Brisbane
    Contents unknown.

  • Canberra
    Philatelic Society of Canberra, GPO Box 1840 ACT 2610
    Contents unknown, no data about access for non-members.

  • Darlinghurst
    Philatelic Association of New South Wales Library, 17 Brisbane Street, Darlinghurst, NSW 2010
    Contents unknown, no data about access for non-members.

  • Hobart
    Australian Post Office Museum, 47 Liverpool Street, Hobart, Tasmania 7000
    Contents unknown.

  • Melbourne
    Australia Post Archives, Exhibitions Unit, Philatelic Group, Australia Post, 12/321 Exhibition Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
    tel: +61 3 9204 7707
    fax: +61 3 9204 7743

    The Archives of Australia home page provides access to information about archives around Australia, including the Australian Archives (the Commonwealth government archives), the archives of State and Territory governments; and others such as university archives. Includes records of postal administration.

    Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria, Box 2071, Melbourne GPO, Victoria 3001
    The largest society library in the Southern Hemisphere with, probably, the worlds largest holding of Australasia and Oceania material. A new catalogue was advertised for publication in 1996 at A$200 (US$160). No data about access for non-members.

  • Sydney
    Telcom Museum, 233 Castlereagh Street, Sydney
    Contents unknown


  • Wien
    Museum des Österreichischen Postsparkassenamtes, Georg Coch-P1 2, Wien
    Contents unknown.

    Post und Telegraphen-museum, Technisches Museum, Mariahilfer Strasse 212, A-1140 Wien
    Museum and Library.


  • Dacca
    Postal Museum, Postmaster GPO, Dacca
    Contents unknown.


  • Bruxelles
    Musee des Postes, Place du Grand Sablon 5, B-1000 Bruxelles
    tel: +32 2 511 77 40

    This large philatelic and postal history collection of Belgium and UPU countries, and associated library, was founded in 1928.

    Closed until further notice.


  • Taga Dzong
    National Postal Museum, Paro P.O., Bhutan
    National Museum containing mint issues??

  • Thimphu
    Main Post Office
    There are a couple of frames with complete mint stamp sets and S/S starting from about the 1980s on display at the corner where the stamps are being sold. Not easlily accessible though (behind the counter) and not complete. You can buy older issues (as long as stock lasts). It is the only Post Office in Bhutan where collectors can buy their stamps.


  • Gabarone
    Botswana Postal Museum, PO Box 100, Gabarone
    Contains the Holmes Bechuanaland Collection. Also, artwork and proof material for Botswana issues.

    National Museum, Monuments & Art Gallery, Private Bag 114, Gaborone
    Assumed to have philatelic holdings.


  • Brasilia
    Museo Postal e Telegrafico, SCS Quadra 04, BL. "A" No 230, Edificio Apolo, BR 70300 Brasilia DF
    Contents unknown.


  • Sofia
    Postal Museum, Central Post Office, Sofia
    Contents unknown.


  • Yaounde
    Musee des PTT, Direction des Postes, BP412, Yaounde
    Contents unknown.


  • Calgary, ALBERTA
    Calgary Philatelic Society Library, 6219 Dalton Drive N.W., Alberta T3A 1E1
    Contents & arrangements for access unknown.

  • Brandon, MANITOBA
    John E Robbins Library, Brandon University, 18th & Princess Ave., Brandon, Manitoba, Canada R7A 6A9
    The Gordon Jolly collection of 19th century covers and postmarks is housed in the library.

  • Moncton, NEW BRUNSWICK
    The Moncton Museum, 20 Mountain Road, Moncton, NB E1C 2J8
    tel: +1 506 856-4388
    fax: +1 506 856-4355

    Mainly mail boxes?

  • Kingston, ONTARIO
    Queen's University Archives, Kathleen Ryan Hall, University Avenue, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6
    Features the Austin stamp collection covering Canada, British West Indies, Cape of Good Hope, Great Britain, Gibraltar and Malta.

  • Oakville, ONTARIO
    Post Office Museum, Oakville, Ontario
    Contents unknown.

  • Ottawa, ONTARIO
    National Archives of Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0N3
    tel: +1 613 992 6534

    The Canadian Postal Archives of the National Archives of Canada has the mandate to acquire and document Canada's philatelic heritage. The philatelic collections are composed of postage stamps and related materials, including all aspects of original stamp design up to final production; postal stationery; selected postally used covers; cancellation proofs; philatelic labels and revenue stamps. There are also a number of related archival collections in various media (e.g. photographs, manuscripts and papers, maps, broadsides, circulars, posters, etc.) which document the history of the postal service and the hobby of stamp collecting in Canada. There is also a comprehensive philatelic library.

  • Toronto, ONTARIO
    Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation, 214 Merton Street (or Box 100 First Canadian Place?), Toronto, Ontario
    tel: +1 415 863 4592

    Private collection with restricted access. More details welcomed.

  • Hull, QUEBEC
    Canadian Postal Museum
    Musée canadien de la poste
    Canadian Museum of Civilization, 100 Laurier Street, P.O. Box 3100, Station B, Hull, Quebec J8X 4H2.
    tel: +1 819 776 8200
    fax: +1 819 776 7062

    Housed within the Canadian Museum of Civilisation building the Canadian Postal Museum is the only museum in Canada dedicated to preserving the heritage of Canadian postal communication and objects representative of the international postal heritage. The collection covers ancient and modern history, science and technology, philately, fine art, architecture, folk art, and the decorative arts.

  • Santiago
    Museo Postal Telegrafico, Av B O'Higgins 980, Enterpriso, Santiago du Chile
    Contents uncertain. Includes "a complete collection of mint stamps (the first emissions are used), and includes FDCs, tests, air mail stamps (very scarce ones), Pacific war stamps (1879), official stamps, taxes, original drawings of the stamps". Also a philatelic service, to order stamps, FDCs, blocs souvenirs, etc.


  • Beijing
    China Stamp Museum
    Contents unknown

  • Gaoyou City
    Mail Post Museum, Gaoyou City, Jiangsu Province
    Built in 223 BC, Gaoyou is also called Qinyou - the Chinese word "you", meaning "mail" in English. The 620-year-old Yucheng Post has been transformed into China's first post museum and opened to both domestic and overseas visitors. The remains cover 16,000 square meters and provide information about the ancient postal system which started during the Shang Dynasty (1600-1100 BC). The name of Gaoyou's post was changed from time to time and only ceased to be used as a postal facility after the Revolution of 1911.


  • Bogota Museo Postal, Edificio Marillo Toro, Carrera 7a, Bogota
    Contents unknown.

  • Medellín
    Coleccion Filatelica, Edificio del Banco de la República. Calle 50 No.50-21. Medellín.
    tel: +57 4 251 55 79
    fax: +57 4 251 54 88

    Museum specialising in philately of Colombia.


  • Zagreb
    Postanski Muzej, Jurisiceva 13, Zagreb
    Contents unknown.


  • Habana
    Cuban Postal Museum, Ave. de Rancho Boyeros e/ 19 de Mayo y 20 de Mayo, Plaza de la Revolucion, Ciudad de la Habana
    Museum specialising in philately and the history of the Cuban postal service, exhibits include old writing instruments and valuable documents of the Cuban post, including the libro de cuentas (ledger) used by Cuba's first Director of the Mail in 1765.


  • Nicosia
    P&T Museum, PTT Administration Building, Nicosia
    Contents unknown.

Czech Republic

  • Praha
    Postal Museum, Nové mlýny 2, 110 00 Praha 1
    tel: +420 231 2006
    fax: +420 231 1930

    Permanent exhibitions of postage stamps of the Czech Republic and Czechoslovakia. Also, classic postage stamps of Europe and the U.S.A. and a library.

    Postovni Museum, Holeckova 10, Karmeliter Cloister, CZ-15000 Praha 5
    Post Office central archives. Public displays of stamps. Records may be available to researchers.

  • Vyssi Brod
    Postovni Muzeum, 38273 Vyssi Brod, Bohemia
    tel: +420-337-746 679
    fax: +420-33-746 243

    Postal history displays and artefacts including uniforms and vehicles.


  • Århus
    De Post- og Telegrafhistoriske Samlinger i Aarhus, Kannikegade 16, st. th., DK-8000 Århus C
    tel: +45 86 18 54 00

    Displays of old post office furniture, cancellations marks and weights.

  • Københaven (Copenhagen)
    Dansk Post-og Telegrafmuseet
    Købmagergade 37, Postboks 2053, DK-1012 København K
    tel: +45 33 41 09 00
    fax: +45 33 41 09 09

    Exhibits cover the history of the Danish postal service including conveyance of letters, parcels and passengers by van, boat, train and plane. Stamps from all over the world. Also the Danish telecommunications service with displays on telegraph, telephone and radio equipment, sea and land cables and measuring instruments.

    Danish Philatelic Federation Library, c/o KPK, PO Box 3, DK 1001 København K
    tel: +45 3250 1882

    Contents unknown, no data about access for non-members.

    Library West, c/o DFF, 1442 København V
    tel: +45 3250 1882

    Contents unknown, no data about access or contents.


  • Al Kihira (Cairo)
    The Egyptian Post Museum, Al Mathaf Al Bareed, Midan Al Ataba, Al Kihira
    The museum chronicles the development of postal services in Egypt since ancient times. There are ten sections: history, postal equipment, stamps, postal buildings, transport, costumes, maps and statistics, air mail, conferences and for foreign mail.


  • Helsinki
    Finnish Postal Museum & Library ~ English
    Finnish Postal Museum & Library ~ Finnish
    Postimuseo, Helsingin pääpostitalo, Asema-aukio 5,Helsinki Main Post Office, Asema-aukio 5, Main Post Office, Asema-aukio 5, PO Box 9, Helsinki, FIN-00011 POSTI, Finland
    tel: +358 204 51 4908

    Displays cover the Finnish postal service during its 350 years. The library holds some 15,000 volumes with a public reading room plus access via Inter-Library Loans. The collections cover all stamps issued in Finland 1856-1993 including many essays etc.


  • Amboise
    Musee de la Poste, Hotel Joyeuse, 6 rue Joyeuse, F-37400 Amboise
    Collection dealing with postal communications. Special material on the horse-drawn post, including badges, artwork and examples of vehicles. Exhibits include France's first stamp, Paris siege material, maritime post information and airmail artefacts.

    Amboise Postal Museum is now closed and its collections have now been incorporated into those of the Postal Museum in Paris.

  • Amélie les Bains Palalda
    Musee de la Poste en Roussillon, Marie, 66150 Amélie les Bains
    Museum situated in the medieval village of Palalda 2 kilometres from Amélie les Bains, 45 kilometres from Perpignan. History of French post and comunications from antiquity to cuurent times. Displays of postal artefacts, currio uniforms and panels narrating the history of the French postal service through wars and revolutions. Room dedicated to philately material.

  • Amiens
    Musee Postal de Picardie, 39 reu Gaudissart, 80000 Amiens
    Contents unknown.

  • Caen
    Le Musée de la Poste et des Techniques de communication de Basse - Normandie, 52 Rue Saint Pierre, 14000 Caen
    Looks tres bon.

  • Cosne Cours sur Loire
    Musee du Facteur et de la Poste, 58200 Cosne Cours sur Loire
    Contents unknown.

  • Le Luc en Provence
    Musee Regional Du Timbre et de la Philatelie, B.P. 51 'Le Château', Place de la Convention, 83340 Le Luc en Provence
    Varied collections including local postal history and studies of Andorra and Monacco.

  • Nantes
    Musee de la Poste des Pays de la Loire, 10 boulevard Auguste Pageot, F-44038 Nantes
    Collection ranging from 1426 with documents, artwork, posters, letters, stamps.

  • Nice
    Cosmos-Museum Philatelique, Villa Cimarosa, Avenue Michel de Cimiez, F-06000, Nice
    Emphasis on conquest of space, collections, first day covers and philatelic literature.

  • Paris
    Musée de la Poste
    alternative www site
    Maison de la Poste et la Philatelic, 34 Boulevard de Vaugirard, F-75731, Paris Cedex 15

    Houses the national philatelic collection of France, library and other material including collections of postal uniforms, signs of early postillions, early mail carriages, mailboat and airmail services. and postal history.

  • Peyrilles
    Musee Postale du Lot, Mairie de Peyrilles, 46310 Peyrilles
    Contents unknown.

  • Riquewihr
    Musee d'Histoire des PTT d'Alsace, F-68340 Riquewihr
    Collection dealing with the history of posts and telecommunications in the north-east France, located in the Chateau de Wurtemberg-Montbeliard.

  • Saint Coloumb
    Musee Postal de Saint Coloumb. 35000 Saint Coloumb
    Contents unknown.

  • Saint Flour
    Musee de la Poste d'Auvergne, Place des Jacobins, 15100 Saint Flour
    Contents unknown.

  • Saint Macaire
    Musee Postal d'Aquitaine, Place du Mercadiou, 33490 Saint Macaire
    Contents unknown.

  • Strasbourg
    Musee Histoire des PTT d'Alsace, Les Aimes de l'Histoire des PTT d'Alsace, BP153 R4, 67004 Strasbourg Cedex
    Contents unknown.

  • Trevarez
    Musee Postal, du Timbre et de l'Art en Bretagne, Trevarez
    Contents unknown.

  • Le Vesinet
    Musee Postal du Vesinet, 9 rue Albert Joly, 78110 Le Vesinet
    Contents unknown.

  • Vichy
    Musee Philatelique de Vichy, Musee Municipal, 03000 Vichy
    Contents unknown.


  • Libreville
    Office des Postes et Telecommunications de la Republic Gabonaise, Libreville
    Contents unknown.


  • Berlin
    Museum für Post und Telekommunikation, Leipziger Strasse, D-1066 Berlin
    Collection of German States, Germany 1871-1945 and GDR. 20,000 volume library. Understood to be closed at present and undergoing reconstruction.

    Berliner Post-und Fernmeldemuseum, Berlin Postal and Telecommunications Museum, An der Urania 15, Urania-Haus, D-1000 Berlin 30
    Collections of stamps of the world since 1945 on exhibition. Philatelic literature in Postgeschichtliche und Philatelistische Bibliothek, D-1000 Berlin 21.

  • Bonn
    Postwertzeichenausstellung im Bundesministerium fur das Post-und Fernmeldewesen, Adenauerallee 81, Postfach 8001, D-5300 Bonn 1
    Special exhibitions in conjunction with the postal museum in Frankfurt.

  • Frankfurt am Main
    Deutsches Postmuseum, Schaumainkai 53, D-6000 Frankfurt 70
    Opened in 1958 museum contains some of the collections of the former Reichspost-museum in Berlin. Large archival collections and major library. Understood to be closed at present and undergoing reconstruction.

  • Friedrichsdorf im Taunus
    Philipp-Reis-Sammling, Hugenotten Strasse 93, Friedrichsdorf im Taunus
    Special exhibitions in conjunction with the postal museum in Frankfurt.

  • Hamburg
    Philatelistische Bibliotek Hamburg e.V., Hohenfelder Straße 10 - 22087 Hamburg
    tel: +49 40 251 2340

    Major philatelic lending library.

    Postmuseum Hamburg, Stephenplaz 1-5, D-2000 Hamburg
    Exhibits of postal history from the Free Hansa State period and maritime mails.

  • Hannover
    Postmuseum Zeppelinstrasse 24, Hannover
    Contents unknown.

  • Koblenz
    Mittelrheinisches Postmuseum, Friedrich-Ebert-Ring 14-20, D-5400 Koblenz
    Reported as modest permanent displays but including material from Thurn & Taxis period.

  • Munich
    Philatelistische Bibliothek - site 1
    Philatelistische Bibliothek - site 2
    Rosenheimerstr. 5, 81667, München
    tel: +49 89 48098 291
    fax: +49 89 48098 248

    A 45,000 volume collection philatelic library covering whole world. Part of the Stadtbibliothek Munchen.

  • Nürnberg
    Verkehrsmuseum Nürnberg, Bahnpost, Lessingstrasse 6, D-8500 Nürnberg 70
    Specialised collections of Bavaria and general world-wide exhibits. Also archive material and library.

  • Regensburg
    Furst Thurn und Taxis Zentralarchiv und Hofbibliothek, Emmeramsplatz 5, Postfach 11 02 46, D8400 Regensburg 11
    Library and archive material relating to the Thurn and Taxis pre stamp period postal system and German states.

  • Stuttgart
    Post-und Fernmelde-museum, Friedrichstrasse 13, D-7000 Stuttgart 1
    Postal history of Wurttemberg postal history and telecommunications.


  • Athens
    Philatelic Museum
    Öéëïôåëéêü Ìïõóåßï
    Hellenic Post Office Museum, (aka Taxydromiko Mouseio?) 5 Stadiou Square and Phokianou 2, 116 35 Athens 5
    tel: +30 1 7519042 / 7519066

    Exhibitions, and library, including displays illustrating the Greek postal service and postal artefacts.


  • Budapest
    Belyegmuzeum, Hársfa utca 47, Budapest VII
    tel: +36 1 342 3757

    Large Stamp Museum with static displays. Contents unknown.

    PTT Museum, Nepkoztarsasag ul. Nr. 3, H-1061 Budapest VI
    Contents unknown.


  • Reykjavik
    National Museum, Sudurgata, Reykjavik
    National Museum including a small number of Icelandic stamps and postal history exhibits.


  • Calcutta
    National Philatelic Museum, GPO, Calcutta
    Contents unknown.

  • New Delhi
    National Philatelic Museum, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi
    Contents unknown.


  • Bandoung
    Post & Giro Museum, Jalan Jakarta 34, Bandoung 40000
    Contents unknown.

  • Jakarta
    Musee des Timbres, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Bambu Apus, East Jakarta 13560
    Contents unknown.


  • Dublin
    National Museum, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
    National Museum including a small number of Irish and other postal history exhibits.


  • Jerusalem
    Philatelic Museum, Israel Postal Authority, 12 Sderot Yerushalahim, 68021
    Contents unknown.

  • Tel Aviv
    Eretz Israel Museum, Hayim Levanon 2, 6975 Tel Aviv
    Includes modern and antiquarian postal history exhibits.


  • Prato
    Biblioteca dell'Instituto di Studi Storici Postali, 37 via Ser Lapo Mazzei, I- 55047 Prato
    Contents unknown.

  • Rome
    Museo delle Poste e Telecomunicazioni, Via Andreoli 11, I-00195 Rome
    Contents unknown.


  • Jjohetsu
    The Maejima Memorial Museum (located in johetsu City in Niigata Prefecture) was established to honor the achievements of Hisoka Maejima, father of the postal service in Japan.
    More information sought, contents unknown. Dead link?

  • Okayama
    The Sakano Memorial (located in Okayama City in Okayama Prefecture) was established to honor the achievements of Tetujiro Sakano, who contributed to the development of the postal service.
    Contents unknown.

  • Tokyo
    Teishin General Museum, 31, Otemachi 2-chome, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-0004
    tel: + 81 3 3244 6811
    fax: + 81 3 3244 6820

    The Museum (nicknamed Tei-Park) is an annex to the Institute For Posts and Telecommunications Policy. Displays are sponsored by corporations and the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and cover postal history, stamps, telecomms. and related subjects.

    Philately Center Foundation, 4th floor, Philatelic Museum, Mejiro 1-4-23, Tokyo 171-0031
    tel: +81 3 5951 3331
    fax: +81 3 5951 3332

    Stamp museum and library operated by the Japan Philatelic Society.


  • Seoul
    Postal Museum ~ Site 1
    Postal Museum ~ Site 2
    Seoul Central Post Office, New Buildings 4 & 5 F, 21 Ch'ungmuro 1 Ga, Chung-Gu, Seoul
    tel: 765 2858
    fax: 757 4911

    Operated by the Seoul Central Post Office. The museum exhibits cover all of Korea's postal history since 1884.


  • Vaduz
    Postmuseum Landesverwaltung ~ English
    Postmuseum Landesverwaltung ~ German
    Postmuseum des Furstentum Liechtenstein, Englander Bau, FL-9490, Vaduz
    tel: +41 75 236 6105
    fax: +41 75 236 6109

    Founded in 1930, includes all the stamps of Liechtenstein and pre-stamp postal history.


  • Luxembourg
    Musee des Postes et Telecommunications, Rue d'Epernay, Place de la Gare, L-2992, Luxembourg
    tel: +352 4088 8840
    fax: +352 406868

    Postal history, philatelic collection and telecomms. artefacts of Luxembourg.


  • Valletta
    General Post Office, Merchants Street, Valletta
    Reported to be opening. Postal history, philatelic collection and artefacts of Malta.


  • Mexico City
    Museo Postal, Edificio de la Central de Correos, Mexico City
    Contents unknown.

  • Oaxaca
    Museo de Filatelia de Oaxaca (The Philately Museum Of Oaxaca), Reforma No. 504, Col. Centro, 68000, Oaxaca
    tel: +01 951 423 66, 423 75, 680 28

    New national philatelic museum of Mexico.


  • Monaco-Ville
    Musee du Palais Princier, MC Monaco Ville
    (Les Terrasses de Fort Vieille, 23 Avenue Prince Hereditaire Albert, MC 98050 ?)

    Permanent exhibition of postal history and stamps issued in the Principality.


  • Rabat
    Postal Museum, Ministry of P & T, Rabat
    Founded in 1970. Contains collections of Moroccan stamps, envelopes and telephony.


  • Swakopmund
    Sam Cohen Library, Society for Scientific Development, PO Box 361, Otavi Bahnhof Centre, Swakopmund
    Contains stamps and postal history of German Southwest Africa. Also, Southwest African and Namibian postcards.

  • Windhoek
    Namibia Scientific Society Library, PO Box 67, Windhoek
    Philatelic literature, assummed to be public access.

    National Archives of Namibia, Privatebag 13250, Windhoek
    Collections of Stamps and postal history of German Southwest Africa and Southwest Africa.


  • Amsterdam
    Rijksmuseum, Dept Histoire des Pays Bas, Telecommunicationshobbemastraat 21, Amsterdam
    Philatelic and postal history content unknown. However, they do have one or two nice paintings.

  • Baarn
    The Netherlands Philatelic Library NBFV, Hoofdstraat 1, NL-3741 AC Baarn, Netherlands
    tel:+31 35 541 25 26
    De NBFV is in het gelukkige bezit van een Bondsbibliotheek. Deze bibliotheek bevat een collectie van meer dan 10.000 boeken over alle mogelijke landen en thema's. Redacteuren van verenigingsbladen vinden hier een schat aan bronnenmateriaal.

  • The Hague
    Museum voor Communicatie, Zeestraat 82, 2518 AD Den Haag, Netherlands
    tel: + 31 70 330 7515

    General and specialised collections of the Netherlands and some major world exhibits including early postal history. Includes a Mauritius 1847 2d unused ~ The "Post Office" issue. Good web site.

Netherlands Antilles

  • Willemstad
    Postal Museum, Keukenstraat/Kuiperstraat corner, Willemstad, Curaçao
    Founded in 1991 a commercial venture containing a not complete collection of stamps issued for Curaçao and the Netherlands Antilles.

New Zealand

  • Christchurch
    Christchurch Philatelic Society (Inc.), PO Box 29, Christchurch
    Contents unknown, no data about access for non-members.

  • Newmarket Auckland
    Postal History Society of New Zealand, PO Box 99-673, Newmarket Auckland
    Contents unknown, no data about access for non-members.

  • Palmerston North
    Central Districts Philatelic Trust, PO Box 206
    Contents unknown.

  • Wellington
    Postal Museum, 153 Thorndon Quay, Wellington
    Contents unknown.

    Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand, PO Box 1269, Wellington
    Major holdings of publications on the philately of New Zealand (including NZ philatelic society newsletters), Ross Dependency and past & present Pacific Island dependencies. Also Pacific philatelic publications of NZ interest and significant Australian philatelic publications and major Australian journals and philatelic publications by a New Zealander on any area.
    Access and services are primarily for members but visitors are welcome and facilities are available for non-members engaged in research projects. There is a scale of charges for copying for out-of-town members and genuine researchers. A library list is available: The Complete RPSNZ Library Listing, Hurley, D E (1997).


  • Oslo
    Oslo Filatelistklubb Bibliotek, Postboks 28 - Sentrum, N-0103 Oslo
    Contents unknown.

    Postmuseet, Kirkegata 20, Postboks 1181 Sentrum, 0107 Oslo
    tel: +47 23 14 80 59
    fax: +47 23 14 88 55

    Norway's largest collection of Norwegian and foreign postage stamps, date stamps and postal artefacts illustrating the 350 year history of the Norwegian Post Office. Also contains the worlds first franking machine.

    Postbiblioteket, Posten Norge BA, Postbiblioteket Postboks 1181 Sentrum, 0107 Oslo
    tel: +47 23 14 80 49
    fax: +47 23 14 81 05

    Postal library run by the Norwegian Postal Administration.


  • Karachi
    Postal Museum, Karachi
    Contents unknown.


  • Lima
    Museo Postal, Filatelico y Numismatico del Peru, Hall de Superunda No. 170, Palacio de la Exposicion, Lima
    Peruvian national collection.


  • Wroclaw
    Muzeum Poczty I Telekomunikacji, ul.Krasinskiego nr 1, skr. poczt 2030, 50-954 Wroclaw
    Founded after W.W.I but suffered serious losses after W.W.II. Specialised collections of Poland and much UPU material. Includes a large library in Polish and foreign languages.


  • Lisboa
    Museo de Correos e Telecommicacoes, Avenida Casal Ribeiro 28-2, P-1000 Lisboa
    (Rua de Dona Estefaania ?)

    Wide ranging collections of postal and telecommunications artefacts including mail coaches and mail boxes. Also displays of Portugal and colonies stamps.


  • St. Petersburgh
    A S Popov Central Museum of Posts and Telecommunications, 7 Pochtamtskaya Str., Saint Petersburg, Russia, 190000
    tel: +7 812 315 4873 / +7 502 201 4523 / +7 502 201 4138
    fax: +7 812 325 8680

    The A S Popov Central Museum of Posts and Telecommunications is supported by the Saint Petersburg Charity Foundation of the History of Wireless Engineering and Telecommunications. The Foundation was founded in 1994 by the largest telecoms. companies of North West of Russian Federation. Funds are being raised towards the massive costs of restoring the 18th century building, by Italian architect Jacomo Qurenghi, which houses the Museum.
    The Museum is the largest one of its kind in Europe and holds more than 8 million units in its collections including the State Collection of Postal Stamps of the Russian Federation. This is reported by the Museum to be "the second collection in the World after the Collection of Elizabeth the Second (of England)"

San Marino

  • San Marino
    Museo Postale e Filatelico di Borgo Maggiore, Casella Postale 1, 47031 Republic of San Marino
    Early San Marino issues including proofs, essays etc. Also displays of Olympic and Airmail material. Complete collection of UPU issues since 1920.


  • Belgrade
    Muzej PTT, Maijke Jevrosime Street 13, YU-11001 Belgrade
    Stamps and postal history of the Balkans. Details wanted please.


  • Singapore
    Singapore Postal Museum, 23-B Coleman Street, Singapore 179807, Republic of Singapore
    tel: +65 337 3888
    fax: +65 337 8958

    Opened 19 August 1995. Housed in an historic 88-year building, the museum has a collection of local and international stamps and first day covers. Other exhibits trace the development of a stamp from artwork through printing plates and progressive sheets to the final product. There is also an audio-visual theatre, a resource centre and interactive games. Visitors may browse or join the organised tours.

South Africa

  • Bloemfontein
    War Museum of the Boer Republics, PO Box 704, Bloemfontein 9300
    Contains the Groenewald & Bezuidenhout Collections of the philately of the Anglo Boer War.

  • Cape Town
    South African Cultural History Museum, PO Box 645, Cape Town 8000
    Several collections including A A Jurgens - Cape of Good Hope, Barbara Jurgens Memorial Collection - Cape of Good Hope, Stephen G Rich - Union of SA, Nellie White - South Africa, T B Davie - Union of SA Coronation Stamps and B Nicols - Republic of SA, RSA & TBVC

  • Johannesburg
    Museum Africa, PO Box 517, Newtown 2113
    Several collections including the Curle Collection - Transvaal, J H Harvey - Pirie Collection - World War II; and the Philatelic Society of Johannesburg.

    South African National Museum of Military History, PO Box 52090, Saxonwold 2132
    Reported to hold collections of the Anglo-Boer War, World War II and modern commemorative envelopes.

    Transnet Library, PO Box 3753, Johannesburg.
    Contains the Harvey Pirie collection of railway parcel stamps of South Africa.

  • Pretoria
    National Cultural History Museum, PO Box 28088 Sunnyside 0132
    Miscellaneous worldwide material and unspecified specialised collections.

    Stampwise (SA Post Office), PO Box 800, Pretoria 0001
    UPU Collection and other South African Post Office owned material.


  • Barcelona
    Museo Postal y Filatelico, Palacio de la Virreina, Barcelona
    Contents unknown.

  • Madrid
    Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre, Calle de Jorge Juan 106, Madrid
    Contents unknown. Advertisements

    Post & Telegraph Museum ~ English
    Museo Postal y Telegráfico ~ Spanish
    Palacio de Comunicaciones, Montalbán, s/n 28070 Madrid
    tel: +91 396 26 79 / +91 396 22 74
    fax: +91 396 21 29

    The philatelic holdings are based on the UPU reference collection and the Manuel Cerecedas collection, donated in 1912 with over 20,000 items. Also the Moreno Santos collection of 19th century Postal History, the Mariano Pardo de Figueroa collection of pre-philately letters and classic stamps and a comprehensive philatelic library.


  • Stockholm
    The Postal Museum of Stockholm, Lilla Nygatan 6, Box 2002, 103 11 Stockholm
    tel: +46 8781 1756
    fax: +46 820 5426

    Postal Museum & Library (on line catalogue) situated in a beautiful building from the 1630s. Until 1869 it was the only post office in Stockholm. Displays follow postal history on foot, horseback, coach, train and mail ship. There are permanent displays from the philatelic collections covering production and printing techniques and a 50,000 volume library with public reading room. Collections include Swedish mint stamps from 1855-1993, Finland 1891-1950 and stamps from other Nordic countries. The Treasury has some real rarities including three letter stamps, the oldest (1686) remaining in the world. Also the unique letter with 6-skilling banco stamps sent from Stockholm to London in 1858; and Two Mauritius 1847 "Post Office" stamps.
    Library ~
    Museum ~


  • Bern
    PTT-Library, Viktoriastrasse 21, CH-3030 Berne 30
    Public library containing philatelic books, periodicals, catalogues etc. Also files on postal markings (of CH) from 1849.

    Museum of Communication
    Museum für Kommunikation
    Musée de la communication
    PTT Museum, Helvetiastrasse 16, 3000 Bern 6
    tel: +41 31 357 55 55
    fax: +41 31 357 55 99

    The official Swiss postal museum is, as can be expected, a treasure trove of Swiss rarities including a block of 15 of the Basle dove. Foreign specialised collections include Italian States with emphasis on Sardegna (Sardinia) and Toscana, Zeppelin mails and old USA.

  • Geneva
    United Nations Philatelic Museum, Palais des Nations Unies, Porte 39, CH-1211 Geneva 10
    All UN stamp issues, first day covers etc. in Austrian schilling, Swiss franc and USA dollars. Also the Prof. Charles Misteli thematic collection of 11,000 items covering League of Nations, early International Labour Office and other UN agencies.

  • Lucerne
    Folk museum general exhibits contain Alpine postal history.


  • Taipei
    Postal Museum ~ English
    Postal Museum ~ Chinese
    45 Chungking South Road, Section 2, Taipei 10741
    tel: + 00 886 2 3945185

    Five floors of displays and exhibits above a (the?) central post office, including a library. Displays concentrate on the development of the posts in China, Taiwan and neighbouring regions.


  • Bangkok
    Postal Museum, Bureau de Postes Samsen Nai, Phahonyothin Road, Bangkok
    Contents unreported.


  • Tunis
    Musee National des PTT, 29bis rue Essadikia, Tunis
    Contents unreported.


  • Ankara
    PTT Muzesi, Aydinlikevler, Ankara
    Contents unreported.


  • Vatican City
  • Vatican City Philatelic and Numismatic Museum
    Museo filatelico-numismatico, p.zza stazione ferroviaria, Citta del Vaticano
    Located in the old Vatican City railway station. The museum contains a collection of Vatican City material and a limited amount of the Roman States. Access is controlled by passes issued by the Governatorato dello Stato della Citt del Vaticano.


  • Harare
    The National Archives, Private Bag 7729, Causeway, Harare
    Philatelic collection of the region from 1890's including specimens, essays etc. Complete sheets of every issue from 1913. Restricted access.