

Featured Sites
1 for 1.Mint stamps exchange. You can see 100's of images of all stamps which have been scanned for you .Fast and easy exchange.Mint topical sets
of Russia offer for exchange.Easy searching with many categories.1 for 1 base.Always answering and always ready to exchange
with every collector.
A Journey through The Netherlands in 80 stamps Make a trip through The Netherlands with Dutch stamps. Also a visit is made to the Royal House of Orange. Enjoy your
All stamps of Russia. All stamps of Russia and booklets with images of all stamps. Exchange or sale offers.
Arts and Philately A profusely illustrated guide to the arts of selected countries and the countries themselves. Site maintained by
Ann Mette Heindorff, Denmark
Bjorn's History on Stamps: Bulgaria Combination of Bulgaria's history and stamps. Journey through Bulgaria's history illustrated by scanned stamps from
my collection. Downloadable stamp album with historical information about persons and events pictured.
Carlos Dalmiro Silva Soares http://www.professorsoares.adv.br/petros.html (I collect only mint stamps ( with exception of these countries Paraguay,
Fujera, Sarjha, Dobay and others), special mark (postmark), aerogramme, varity, essay, specimen, free postage, "têtes-bêches",
"carnet" and other things about fhilatelic with the subject OIL (PETROLEUM): geological origin, prospecting, perforation in
ground and in sea, refinary, petrochemistry, oil terminal, pipeline, oil tanker, enterprises of petroleum (Esso, Texaco, Chevron,
Mobil, Shell, Exxon, Gulf Oil, British Petroleum, Pemex, Petrobras,...) and others.)
Crazy design errors on stamps More than 100 crazy design errors on stamps
Daddy's Hobby Stamp collector's site offering exchange - most of site in Dutch.
Dupke's Stamps - Worldwide Homepage with ads from stamp collectors all over the world. place your own free ad and get in contact with other
collectors. A weekly newsletter with the latest ads, news, links and auctions.
Faraz Ahmed Collect Pakistan Stamps, covers and postal history. Please visit for exchange or trade .
Gallery - Internet Philatelistic Shop Gallery stamps from Czechoslovakia country 1918-... Visit us !
Gérard Colson European construction by the stamps and the idea European. Marschall plan with the CEE and Euro The Council of Europe
and conference of Helsinki
German Philately Dictionary A very good stamp collecting Dictionary -- in German only.
Jan-Simon Hoogschagen My stamp collectors page has wantlists for trading, but also interesting info on Dutch stamps and Dutch postage due
stamps, recent issues, and catalogue independent lists for a few countries.
Losmendi's stamps exchange page Stamps exchange web site
On-line Exhibits: Stamporama Stamp Club On-line exhibits of Stamporama members.
philately.com Only on-line catalog and thematic listing of popular countries and subjects
Ray Marriott A unique world wide auction...made by a Stamp Collector...for Stamp Collectors. Over 273 Countries and Colonies +++
to be auctioned. Memberships are Free!! NEW auctions every two weeks. Visit, register and enjoy!
Rob Vlaardingerbroek Stamps designed by the Dutch painter and ceramist Harm Kamerlingh Onnes, stories about Scandinavian stamps, frogs,
weather, whales on stamp and more.....
Sergey Belaev Topical postal stationery of Russia offer for exchange or sale to worldwide collectors.100's of images of all FDC,illusrtrated
envelopes,postal cards,postcards,cancels,envelopes with special stamps, which have been scanned for you on online catalogue.Many
interest topicals-fauna,ships,trains,space,olympic,airplanes,flowers and many other categories.
Sergey Belaev Used topical stamps of the world for exchange.You can see 100's of images of all stamps. Used topical sets of about
30 countries offer for exchange.Easy searching with many categories.1 - 1 base.Fast and easy exchange.
Stamporama A free on-line stamp club with many excellent benefits. Worth a visit.
The Stamp Trader List Stamp exchange
The World Wide Stamp Exchange Club Find collectors around the world to exchange stamps. Over 75 swappers listed by country! Lots of pictures and links.
w silvester Disney on stamps - a comprehensive checklist - stories behind the stamps - FAQ - new issue news - handbook sale and
much more. Check it out.
Willem's Stamps Site Collects stamps from west European countries. Especially Italy and colonies, the Netherlands and former colonies
and Switzerland. Has have- and want-lists on-line
New Listings
Al\'s My entire Wantlist and Available list for the stamps I collect
Antonio´s Stamp Page Website for exchange of used stamps (West-European countries 1943-1980). Great stock in Spain mint, used
and F.D.C´s. Yvert, Michel, Scott catalogues.
Canadian Stamps Errors and Varieties A site highly illustrated of Canadian Definitives of 1972-77 explaining in details the varieties of this
issue. Modern errors and varieties of commemoratives stamps is also a growing section. Bilingual site in English and French.
A shopping cart helps you browse and buy stamps.
CDDStamps Stamp Collecting: Commemorative, Definitive and Decimals Stamps from Great Britain and the British Commonwealth
- for sale with secure online buying or trade - Thematics, Competitions monthly and free stamp offers, - Please visit my site,
tell me your interests and perhaps we can help each other with our collections. I am trying to complete my Great Britain George
V Downey Head collection.
Charlies Stamps Trading for worldwide. Over 50 countries listed. Scott catalog value even trades. Mnh, mh, and used available.
Thanks , Charles
Chess Philatelic Web Site A lot of differents thinks related with chess theme : stamps, cancels, cards, telephonecards, old printings,
pictures and many other interesting informations for the thematic collectors.
Collector\'s Gallery All U.S.Classics,Postal History,FDC,Back of Book and all Revenues,featuring M&Ms and related areas.All
Want lists from beginner to advanced collector filled.
Computer Related Stamps Computer history and use of computers and Information processing in the Society at stamps. Most stamps are
issued to celebrate something else but the computer but there is a computer in the stamp picture. Only a few of the stamps
are issued to celebrate the computer or Information processing. A listing of other 1 000 stamps and links to similar pages.
Crazy Design Errors on Stamps More than 150 crazy design errors on stamps : wrong dates, names, locations, flags, anachronism, language
and grammatical errors, mirror images, ...
Crossroads I exchange/sell mint complete sets and other philatelic materials from Bulgaria, Albania, N.Korea, Cuba,
Vietnam, Mongolia, Romania, USSR, ex-USSR republics, Hungary, Poland, Thailand, Indonesia and many more worldwide.I am interested
in mint topical sets Fauna, Ships, Trains, Airplanes, Space, Football, Olympic Games,WWF etc.worldwide. I use all stamp catalogues:
Michel, Scott, SG, Yvert etc.
D.N. Johnson's Stamp Page Collection of Worldwide/Canada and would be interestered in trading or selling to get the stamps that I
am interested in. (topical)
Dennis Sutton Stamp Collector "After 45 years of serious collecting I have that musch Australia and other bits and pieces ... selling,
swapping and auctioning."
Dupke's Stamps Exchange, buy or sell stamps? Publish your own free ad on the site and get in contact with other collectors
Exchange of Postage Stamps Want to trade your used stamps? I want to trade with collectors worldwide. Will trade my used for used worldwide.
GB Stamps A UK collector willing to trade GB stamps
Gibraltar Stamps Gibraltar stamps and its postal history, new issues and other relevent Gibraltar philatelic items.
History on Stamps Classic philately and history of Bulgaria and Romania. Free download of customized stamp albums. Forgeries,
perfins, unlisted issues and more. Updated regularly.
Italian States A site entirely dedicated to the stamps of the Italian States, studied under any point of view.
Leen's Stamp Page Country : Belgium Topics : chess, cats -- Need/supply sections -- Most Belgian stamps (used) since 1998
Leisurewrite: The Ozzie Connection Personal home pages with emphasis on postal History of Great Britain detailing postal markings and contents
of old British letters - 200 years of British Postmarks. Stamp content features Great Britain Machins, booklets, and stamps
from machines. Also illustrated are Australian booklets, miniature sheets, Nubian monuments, Antarctica & Zambia.
New Zealand Stamp Images Information on New Zealand stamps, airmails and postal history. Organised as a set of articles, on topics
such as airmail first flight covers, Chalon heads and re-entries. Each article illustrates a particular point, sometimes raises
supplementary questions and contains scans of relevant stamps and/or covers. Pages in each article are linked by next and
back arrows.
Postal Stationery of Denmark 1871-1879 Types and varieties of the first danish postal cards: The "bi-coloured" issues. Lots of pictures of danish
postal stationery and links to other postal stationery websites.
Simon's Stamps Exchanging Page Philatelic material for exchange, Ukrainian Stamps catalogue, Postal Stationers, Postal Tariffs, Philatelic
Sites, etc.
Stamps for Collectors World Wide stamps on approval. Large selection of mint Russia and Bulgaria. Mnay other countries mint and
used. Send your want list.
Stamps from Russia and Hungary This site is dedicated to stamps, zemstvos ,revenues, perfins and other strange and rare stamps like cinderellas
and seals from Russia (Imperial Russia, RSFSR and USSR) Hungary (Magyar Posta), and topicals like lighthouses on stamps. Help
needed to identify unknown stamps from Russia and Hungary.
Stamps of Bangladesh This site contains a detailed list of stamps issued by Bangladesh postal authority. It also contains pictures
of Bangladesh stamps.
Stamps of Trinidad and Tobago This is a site dealing with stamps of my country, Trinidad and Tobago. Showcases the beauty of this twin
isle republic in the stamps featured at the site.
Thai Stamps and Souvenir Sheets A large list of reasonably-priced Thai stamps and souvenir sheets. Collectors can search by issued year,
Scott number or thematic. Products can be ordered online through our secure server. We aim to service stamp collectors both
domestic and international.


Ascension Island Post Cards (09/17/02 Nathan Prince Ascension Island) Postcards from the most isolated tropical island
in the Atlantic Ocean, Ascension Island lies in the path of the South-East Trade Winds, 1,300 km northwest of Saint Helena.
(Specialties: Postcards/Picture) |
Astronaut Autographs (12/26/98 Justin Locke Canada) Links Personal list of Astronaut/Cosmonaut autographs. A list of addresses to write to for autographs
of astronaut and cosmonauts. Links to similar sites. (Specialties: Autographs,Miscellaneous,Space,)
Aviation Signed Covers (09/22/01 Peter Whitehead UKraine) Aviation related signed covers, all genuine with full money
back if ont satisfied. (Specialties: Covers,Covers/First Day,Topicals) |
Bill's Fun and Hobby Page (10/08/01 Bill Pertzborn USA) Links Stamps, First Day Covers, Sport Cards, Phone Cards Beer cans and Phonogrph cards. But mostly stamps
with specialty in German. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Covers/First Day,Phone Cards,Sports
Cards) |
Birdland Stamps (10/15/99 Walter Bird USA) Links You will find a little bit of everything for stamps collectors at Birdland Stamps. U.S. sets and
singles, revenues, worldwide, odd lots, USPS year sets, etc. (Specialties: Lots,Revenues,Sets,Stamps,Year
Sets) |
Chess on Stamps (12/26/98 Colin Rose Australia) This site was created by Colin Rose. It neatly brings together
two of his recent interests: chess and philately. (Specialties: Stamps,) |
Chinese stamps (06/02/01 John Adams UK) Stamps from China, and chinese postal history. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Postal History,Stamps) |
Croatian charity stamps (09/17/02 Berni Croatia) Everything about Croatian charity stamps plus links to related
sites about Croatian stamps. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Stamps) |
Europa Cept Stamps (06/12/00 Erwan Keraval France) Links All about europa cept stamps: pictures, history, anecdotes, links, adverts, etc. In English and
French. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Stamps) |
Free United States Stamps (05/23/02 Brian Harrod USA) Links On this non-profit site new collectors can get a free packet of US stamps, as well as, basic Stamp
collecting information and links. (Specialties: Stamps) |
GBstamps (04/14/99 Larry Rosenblum USA) Links Dedicated to the collecting and study of the stamps of Great Britain and related material.
(Specialties: Stamps) |
Galaxy UK Ltd. (10/23/99 Roland Ford UK) Links Monthly postal bid sales, three weekly sales of collections, boxes, etc. (Specialties: Auctions,Exchange/Trade,Postcards/Picture,Stamps) |
Hans Maier Stamps (07/05/00 Victor Roussinov South Africa) Largest Philatelic Centre in South Africa. Five Dealers
under one roof. Importers/wholesalers of quality products for Southern Africa. New issue service for a lot of countries worldwide
on request. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Stamps,Topicals) |
Leisurewrite (09/26/01 Ron and Eunice Shanahan Australia) Links British Postal History: old letters, stamps, booklets, covers, and other philatelic items
(Specialties: Covers,Miscellaneous,Postal History,Stamps) |
Mauritius Classic Stamps (02/27/02 M.C. Werner Switzerland) Links The Island of Mauritius is famous for 2 of the rarest stamps in the World, the 1847 Post Office
Penny Orange and Twopence Blue. The main goal of this web site is to share information about Classic Mauritius stamps
(Specialties: Country-Specific,Stamps) |
Petroleum: The Black Gold (09/26/01 Carlo Dalmiro Silva Soares USA) Thematic collection with the subject OIL (PETROLEUM): geological
origin, prospecting, perforation in ground and in sea, refinary, petrochemical plants, oil terminal, pipeline, oil tanker,
famous persons, oil symbols. (Specialties: Postal Stationery,Stamps,Topicals) |
Philanoldi Switzerland (05/13/99 Arnold Ottonin Switzerland) Purchase/Exchange/Trade covers, world postal history and
topicals (Specialties: Covers,Miscellaneous,Postal History,Topicals) |
Philately Universe (10/08/01 Enrico Arkink Netherlands) A lot of links! And you can trade stamps here with other
collectors! (Specialties: Exchange/Trade,Stamps) |
Pioneer Stamp Company (06/17/98 John Turner USA) Premiere stamps for dealers/collectors. Updated regularly, offering
stamps in all price ranges. (Specialties: Stamps) |
Railway Thematic Stamps (10/08/01 Horst Brix Germany) Railway thematic stamps in general and railway thematic stamps
of Germany (Specialties: Stamps,Topicals,Topical/Railroads) |
Russian Philately (10/08/01 David M. Rowell USA) Links An extensive collection of information related to Russian philately, stamps, postal history, etc.
(Specialties: Country-Specific,Miscellaneous,Postal History,Stamps) |
Scott Kitchen's Stamp Collecting Page (12/26/98 Scott Kitchen USA) Links Pages of links for stamp collectors: Resources, homepages, commercial, charities, software, topical,
publications, societies, shows, etc... (Specialties: Links,Resources,) |
Singapore Postcards (10/05/99 Frederick Ong Singapore) Seeking old Singapore and other Foreign picture postcards
to buy. Also for possible swaps. (Specialties: Exchange/Trade,Postcards,Topicals) |
Southern African Wants (11/13/01 Mark USA) My wantlist of Southern African stamps, Airletters, (Aerogrammes),
Silk FDCs, MaxiSilks, Postcards, Stamps, Revenues, FFCs, genuinely used stamps from the Homelands, etc ... Everything to do
with South Africa, SWA and the Homelands. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Postcards,Stamps)
Space Covers (01/10/99 Pedro Almeida Portugal) pace related covers from all over the world. Primarily US
or Russian manned programs. (Specialties: Catalogs,Covers,Space) |
Space Philately (09/18/00 Edward A. Locke USA) Topical material related to space exploration and astronomy. Here
you will see stamps commemorating astronauts and cosmonauts, probes and missions to the solar system, famous astronomers,
observatories and other subjects (Specialties: Space,Stamps) |
Space stamps (01/04/01 Sergey Okun USA) Links Space Topic on stamps. Huge amount of images with catalog numbers. (Specialties:
Space,Stamps,Topicals) |
Spaghetti Stamps (02/07/99 Maurizio Italy) Links New issues service, postal history, special offers and also a buylist. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Postal History) |
Stamps of Palau (07/03/97 John London USA) Many scans of the stamps of Palau - the most beautiful stamps
in the world. (Specialties: Stamps) |
Stampsnet Collecting Stamps (11/17/02 Michel Netherlands) Links A lot of info and pictures about collecting stamps. Also a download section where you'll find
some handy cards to organize your "world-collection"... (Specialties: Miscellaneous,Stamps)
Theme Birds on Stamps (10/11/99 Kjell Scharning Norway) Links Online catalogue of bird stamps. Presented under country heading chronologically with date and
description. More than 15500 stamps are listed with face value and bird name in English and Latin. (Specialties: Stamps,Topicals) |
Tim's Stamp Page (07/03/99 Tim USA) Links Lighthouse stamps, 'Return to Sender' Covers (Specialties: Covers,Stamps,Topicals)
What a Collection (05/04/00 Ron Dylewski USA) Collecting Community where stamp collectors and others can post
pictures, want lists, and more in a fun, interactive environment. (Specialties: Miscellaneous)
Wine Post (07/17/02 Geoff Weston New Zealand) Stamps, FDC's, cancellations, catalogues, and articles
from the Wine Post in New Zealand. A unique local post. (Specialties: Covers/First Day,Stamps)
World Stamps (02/22/02 Chuck USA) Links Site looking for people who want to trade stamps with posted want lists. (Specialties: Stamps) |