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Washington 2006
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Links (Clubs)

New Listings

American Air Mail Society
The World's largest and second oldest aerophilatelic society. Publisher of the American Air Mail Catalogue and the monthly Airpost Journal. The AAMS publishes many aerophilatelic books and provides numerous services to its members

Atlanta Stamp Collectors Club (12/26/98 Peter J. Roberts USA) Links
Member's collecting interests include Bahamas, Bangladesh, British Commonwealth, Nicaragua, Pakistan, specimens, United States, and world wide. (Specialties: Miscellaneous,Topicals,)

Canadian Forces Philatelic Society
The Canadian Forces Philatelic Society (CFPS) was formed as a club for stamp collectors who are members of the Canadian Forces, the RCMP, and their families. Membership is also open to certain other organizations and to retired members of these organizations, and to serving or retired members of the armed forces of other NATO countries

Centennial Stamp Club
Located in the Vancouver Canada suburbs, we are one of the most active clubs in the area. If you are in the neighborhood, just drop in. Visitors are always welcome.

Christmas Philatelic Club
The Christmas Philatelic Club is a worldwide organization of stamp collectors who collect Christmas related philatelic items.

Cover Collectors Circuit Club
The CCCC is the world's largest philatelic exchange organization with more than 25,000 active members in over 100 countries. Founded in 1947, shortly after World War II, its purpose was to assist stamp and cover collectors find contacts and promote international friendships. These goals continue into today.

Machin Collectors Club
The Machin Collectors Club is a very active club, providing a regular monthly newsletter, bi-monthly postal auctions and twice yearly meetings.

New Zealand Society of Great Britain
The Society exists for the study of the stamps and postal history of New Zealand and its Dependencies. Its journal, 'The Kiwi' is published six times a year.

Orange Free State Study Circle
Orange Free State / Orange River Colony - View & Identify any Postage Stamp, Revenue, Telegraph Stamp, Perfin, Proof, Essay, Color Trial, Postal Money Order, Cancellation, Military Issue, Forgery, Overprint, etc. from this historic Boer Republic

Plate Number Coil Collectors Club - PNC3
The Plate Number Coil Collectors Club (PNC3) is an international organization dedicated to promoting PNCs and providing information for those who collect 'those stamps with the tiny plate numbers'. Stop by our site for the latest PNC news and see why we were awarded a 2 Star rating at the 2001 Hafnia FIP Competition in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Rhodesian Study Circle
The Rhodesian Study Circle is a specialist society whose purpose is the study of the stamps and postal history of the territories which formerly comprised the Rhodesias and Nyasaland

Sierra Circuit Exchange Club
The Sierra Circuit Exchange Club has been around since 1986 and we have members in approx. 69 countries. We are always looking for new members who wish to exchange postally used stamps by means of a circuit sheet. We have fun, and wish you could join in on our fun with us. Give us a try.

Society for Czechoslovak-Philately
Dutch society for Czecho-Slovak Philately specialized in first second and third republic of Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic and Slovakia) and Carpatho-Ukrain.

Winnipeg Philatelic Society
The Winnipeg Philatelic Society (WPS), founded in 1900, is the oldest stamp club in Western Canada. The purpose of the society is to provide facilities for the encouragement and aid of stamp collecting as a hobby.


Catalina Stamp Club (07/03/99 Tim USA) Links
A kids' stamp club. We have 15 members, ages 8-18, with many different interests ranging to specific topics such as lighthouses, Disney, and trains, to world wide collections. (Specialties: Stamps)
Centennial Stamp Club (03/12/01 Wolfgang Richter Canada)
Located in the Vancouver suburbs, we are one of the most active clubs in the area
Christmas Philatelic Club (03/28/97 Kathy Ward Canada)
A group of about 250 dedicated philatelists specializing in all types of Christmas philatelic material. (Specialties: Stamps, Covers, Postmarks, Seals)
Collecting Stamps (03/02/99 Wayne Miller USA)
A place where colletors of all kinds can find a trading partner and buy, sell, or trade. (Specialties: Stamps)
Fredericton District Stamp Club (02/09/00 David Johnston Canada) Links
Our members have interests that include Canada, the United states, Britain and the rest of the world. We have members of all ages and anyone is welcome to join our friendly group. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Stamps)
Garfield-Perry Stamp Club (03/12/01 Tom Mahon USA)
Great Britain Collector's Club - USA (12/27/98 Janet Gordon USA)
The purpose of the Great Britain Collectors Club (GBCC) is to bring together collectors of Great Britain stamps and related items. It offers something for everyone, regardless of level of experience or years of collecting. (Specialties: Stamps,)
Hamilton Philatelic Society (12/29/98 Peter de Kat Canada) Links
International Philatelic Club (02/08/00 Xavier Almenar Spain) Links
The web site for all stamp collectors, phonecards, coins, etc. With exchange sections, exposition, help, links, etc. (Specialties: Coins,Exchange/Trade,Links,Phone Cards,Stamps)
Junior Philatelists or America (10/03/99 Joseph Lee USA) Links
The website of a US based philatelic club for youth under 18. (Specialties: Stamps)
Library of Congress Philatelic Club (03/15/97 USA)
Mailer's Postmark Permit pages (08/21/00 Dragonfly Dream USA) Links
The "unofficial" website for The Mailer's Postmark Permit Club. How-to's ,resources, samples, experiences. (Specialties: Covers,Covers/First Day,Miscellaneous,Postal Authorities)
Mendocino Coast Stamp Club (11/25/01 Charles Jones USA) Links
Stamp Club events and meeting information. (Specialties: Postal Authorities,Stamps)
Philatelic Club LITUANICA (10/08/01 A. Jankauskas Lithuania) Links
The club of philatelists with special interest in Lithuanian theme; Lithuania, Memel, Litwa Scrodkowa, etc. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Stamps)
Precancel Stamp Society (03/04/01 Michael Hynes USA) Links
Official web site of the PSS, with information about precancelled stamps, and envelopes. (Specialties: Precancels,Stamps)
Puerto Rico Philatelic Society (01/11/01 Luis Gonzalez Puerto Rico) Links
Information on activities, membership, articles, auctions, dealers and postal history of Puerto Rico (Specialties: Stamps)
Scandinavian Collectors Club (03/12/01 Bob Lang USA)
Of interest to our members are the stamps and postal histories of Åland, the Danish West Indies, Denmark, the Faröes, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Karelia, North Ingermanland, Norway, Slesvig, and Sweden. (Specialties: Postal History,Stamps)
Stamp Swap Club (12/26/98 R. Thacker USA) Links
The best FREE stamp club on the Web! Swap stamps with people from all over the world. Plus loads of great links. (Specialties: Stamps,)
Weltall-Philatelisten (02/12/99 Jurg Dierauer Switzerland) Links
Society of space philatelists in Switzerland (Specialties: Postcards/Picture,Space)