

Featured Sites
John Embray First Day Covers Ltd.
I am a dealer in First Day Covers with over 12,500 items listed in my country lists and over
11,000 covers inmy thematic or topical lists. My web site is www.firstdaycovers.ltd.uk.
Sovereign Stamp Company
New Listings
Arabia Philatica Specialists in Gulf States (Dubai, Kuwait, Oman etc.) postal history and arabic covers generally.
Bob Janning Netherlands and Colonies - specialized
Bobby's U.S. and Worldwide Stamp Packets Nice selection of older U.S. and Worldwide stamp packets. We ship worldwide.
China Channel Sinachannel.com from Beijing China offers Chinese collections which include great information of Chinese culture.
Our stock contains many topical postal stamps such as art, history, and architecture from all period of chinese history.
Chrysalis Stamps Specialists in classic mint postage stamps of the British Empire and Commonwealth to 1935.
Croatia year sets Year sets of Croatia, Slovakia,Czech Rep., Slovenia, Macedonia, Yugoslavia Please ask for price list of year sets.
If you have sometimes reguire for this material or need more information just send email or letter. Renato Fiorencis renato.fiorencis@usa.net
Dave (The Stamp Dad) Dealer in Canadian Mint, FDC's, sheets, booklets, souvenir sheets, etc. I also have a did-you-know section relating
to Canadian stamps.
E S J van Dam Ltd Canada's largest stock of Canada & Provinces revenue stamps, Telephone & Telegraph Franks, Duck, Wildlife
& Conservation stamps. Canada semi official airmail stamps and covers. Regular newsletters, auctions, etc.
Internet Philatelistic Shop Buy, sell, on-line auction, gallery ... Stamps, covers ... Visit us !
Irish stamps.net We are dealers in Irish Stamps First day covers Mini sheets sheetlets Irish Kiloware
John Sheffield Philatelist Ltd. I sell the world in my regular public stamp auctions. If you are looking for a single stamp or an entire collection,
a box full or a bag of stuff to sort, or perhaps that elusive item, each of my auctions is a philatelic smorgasbord! Come
and see for yourself.
lizhi Offer for wholesale the Chinese of Stamps(Mint Set, Stamp Yearbook). OFDC, Cinderellas, Banknote and Coins,Phone
Cards(Mint or used) or other... etc..
M.Tariq Stamp Exchange - Pakistan I am interested in stamp exchange,mint complete sets in quantity honest dealing assured,send your stamps with confidence.
mafatlal I deal in fine postage stamps mint and coins/Bank notes since last 30 years also postal History covers. Contact:
Mike DeLise British Colonies Collectors check my British West Indies, Grenada, Montserrat, the Saints, and more. See my site:
www.mikestamps.com. I have good, fair prices with a discount policy. Strong in issues before 1953 with many varieties, shades
and good cancels. Check it out. Mike
Packetsplus Stamp packets and mail bid sale for all stamp collectors
Philatelic Phantasies Full service on-line site featuring monthly auctions of 100 US lots, seperate net price sections for stamps and covers,
an electronic catalog for ordering more common US stamps, and a philatelic bulletin board.
Polar Post Svalbard Polar stamps and covers. (Site is mostly in Norwegian language).
PostBeeld Stamps & Supplies. Over 500 price lists with selling- or trading prices. 10,000's of pictures!
Rainbow Stamps For Australian, World and Thematic (Topical) stamps and packets. We have pages of easy to use listings, so why not
visit us now !
Robert J Endres Featuring high quality very recent postally used stamps from the world sold as individual stamps or in on/off paper
Ron Jackson Machin material and more
Southern-Mail Large selection of German and areas for sale with regular lists...also world wide list available....visit our web
Stamps & Kiloware (Estonia) Estonian stamp packets, kiloware and phonecards for worldwide collectors!
The Media stamps, covers of Bangladesh and other asian countries.
Timbres Themes (topical stamps) The paradise for Topical collectors. Fun & Easy browsing of over 500 topical categories at our Stamp Store. New
issues and want list service . Mail approvals. Visit us today!
U.S. Booklet Covers Sales - Buy - Trade All you have ever wanted to know about, and how to collect, Booklet Covers of the US (and some foreign countries).
Over 4,000 US booklet covers. Most all varieties from 1904 until now. Pages for the collectors.
www.ShopMoscow.biz Stamp dealer specializing in Russian and former Soviet complete year stamp sets (after 1952) and thematic collections
at bargain prices. |


ABC: Absolutely Beautiful Canadiana Unique Canadian Booklets, Cachets, Full Sheets, OFDCs & Souvenir Sheets (S/Ss); Christmas Day Cancels,
Canadian Tire FDC Cachets on real Canadian Tire money, CAPEX, Hockey, Holocaust, Lunar Chinese, Millennium Holograms, Military
(Army, Navy & RCAF), Philatelic Merchandise, Philatelic Posters, Postal Stationery; Postcard Lots, RCMP, Stamp Sheets
- Canada & Other Countries, Tigers & WWF, Wild Animal Engraved Definitives & finally,Winnie the Pooh. Unique items
not found elsewhere!
AcademyStamp.com U.S.-British -Asia-World-Wide want list filled- Autographs of Famous People (over 8,500) Over 50 years in
the trade.
Aerophil AEROPHIL - Commercial aviation & aerophilatelic literature, air mail covers and air crash covers. World's
largest stock of crash covers
Albany Stamp Company Specializing in French Colonies, emphasis on French Polynesia, Afars & Issas, New Caledonia, Wallis
& Futuna, St. Pierre & Miqueslon and French So. Antarctic. Asia listings including Indonesia, Thailand, South and
North Vietnam, Nepal, Bhutan and North Korea. Topical listings including Holograms, Space, Olympics, Birds, Marine Life, Kennedy,
Butterflies, Churchill and more. Secure on-line ordering. Mastercard, Visa and American Express Welcome. Member: ASDA, APS,
Alfin's Philatelic Connection Ron Alfin believes that supporting the hobby means he must provide service to both the buyer and seller
with a small profit margin and NO FRILLS service. He runs an exchange club with modest fees which provides approvals to all
and an inexpensive outlet for collectors duplicates. The web page offers items for sales, and information on his approval
service and exchange club.
All China Stamps SinaChannel.Com from Beijing China offers postal issuings from all periods in Chinese history, while also
introducing Chinese culture to world through postage stamps and historical information.
Amanda's Topicals Serving collectors for 10 years. We provide a comprehensive new-issue service for topical and/or country
collectors. Stock of topical stamps and covers.
American International AM-NAT We specialize in Baltic States and carry world wide material with our best inventory in Western Europe stamps.
We have been in business for over 30 years and 22 years at our curent store in St Charles, IL. We are memebers of APS, PCGS
and NGC plus many other local and national organizations.
Americana Resources Fixed price site of 30,000 collectibles including stamps & first day covers.
Arabian Stamps Postage and Revenue stamps, covers, booklets, aerogrammes, in fact anything philatelic from middle-East
Arabian countries [not Egypt or African Arab speaking countries]. New issues available from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iraqi Kurdistan,
Lebanon, Qatar etc;. Realistic prices. Member of APS, ADPS, OPAL, ARA.
Armstrong Philatelics Armstrong Philatelics specializes in all phases of United States stamp collecting and carries one of the
largest inventories in the U. S. We offer philatelic material, postmaster provisionals, air mails, postage dues, back of book,
cut squares, match & medicine, postal stationary, postal history, entires, post office seals, testing stamps, confederate
stamps, possessions & much more.
Arnika AG- Swiss Stamps We buy and sell Swiss stamps including rare cantonal stamps and all the later issues, FDC's and commercial
letters. As a specialist in Swiss stamps we have a well-kept stock and profound knowledge. Using modern technology we can
meet most of your demands. Test us!
Arpin Philately The world of stamp collecting. Since 1969, thousands of collectors have taken advantage of our unique low
cost shop-at-home stamps on approval service. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced collector, our goal is
to offer a fast and personalized service. Exciting FREE offers online.
Australia & Australian Territories' Stamps Stamps of Australia, Aust. Antarctic Territory, Christmas Island, Cosos Island, Norfolk Island and Papua
New Guinea. Specialist Australian material MUH, M/H., and Fine Used. Complete price list sent free on request.
Australia On-Line Stamps Australia On-Line Stamps is the leading supplier of stamps online from Australia and the South Pacific region.
Bill's Philatelic Bargains I have been selling stamps on the net for over 10 years now. I have a very extensive on line catalogue.
I try to have quality stamps and I try to describe them honestly. I have everything from sets and singles to packets both
large and small. Prices are always below catalogue value.
BiStamp.com -- New Stamps' Territory All stamps from New Independent States of the former USSR at the same place. About 4,000 issues including
official & local stamps. Lots of topical sets at fair price. Serving professionally stamp collectors and stamp dealers.
Bobby's Worldwide Stamp Packets Offering a nice grouping of Worldwide Stamp packets including U.S. at competitive prices. We will ship anywhere
in the world.
Canadian Forces Air Squadron Commemorative Philatelic Covers In the Canadian Air Force, The "presentation of colours" ceremony is normally a parade, with a flypast.
In 1974, 416 Squadron was the first unit to raise money for these festivities by creating a commemorative cover for philatelists.
Such covers are normally flown in a special flight and properly postmarked. The quantity produced is usually about 1000. An
insert in each cover describes the unit history and provides other background information.
Chalon Stamps We deal with manly New Zealand and Topical stamps.Our service is prompt and efficent.
Chrysalis Stamps Dealers in classic mint postage stamps of the British Empire to 1935. Wants list specialists for unmounted
mint, mounted mint and fine used postage stamps of the British Commonwealth to 1952.
Colonias Stamps "Specialize in stamps of the U.S., Canada and British Empire, mostly mint and pre 1960."
Connecticut Cinderellas Cinderellas of all types, including: Revenues; Locals; Poster Stamps; Bogus & Fantasy Stamps; Patriotic,
Political & Military Propaganda Stamps; Baggage Labels; Etiquettes; and more. Shopping cart available. Also cinderella
reference areas.
Country Collections Sell one-of-a-kind country stamp collections still on album pages,taken from large worldwide collections.
Sale priced at huge discounts from Scott catalogue. Collections range from several dollarsto hundreds of dollars.
Croton Stamp Company Croton Stamp Co. sells US, Canada, and Newfoundland mint stamps to discriminating collectors. We primarily
service intermediate to advanced collector's wantlists. We have a large inventory of premium quality stamps. In addition to
early classical issues, we also sell modern mint Canada in year set format as well as the scarce modern definitive perforation
varieties which are so hard to find.
CS Philatelic Agency Singapore stamps cataloque, full image of all the Singapore stamps with prices for Mint, used & FDC
Dauwalders Stamps On-Line Online stamp shop carrying thousands of GB items & albums/accessories plus a FREE entry draw for all
who enter the site. Dauwalders have been selling stamps all over the world since 1958 (GB Based)
DAVO USA - Albums and Supplies DAVO, with headquarters in Deventer, The Netherlands, has been publishing philatelic albums since 1945.
Today our album selection consists of more than sixty countries and territories. In addition to country-specific albums, we
offer a complete selection of stamp collecting supplies and an assortment of philatelic items...all of which may be purchased
online here in a secure environment.
DelStamps Europe and Asia lists intended for one-country specialists but thematic collectors also catered for. mainly
material from 1945 to date at reasonable prices.
Don Tocher, U.S. Classics U.S. Classic Stamps and Postal History Specialist in U.S. 1851-7 issues. Featuring: 19th century stamps
and covers. Notable categories: Ads Auxillary markings Civil War Transatlantics Unusual usages
EZ 1 Click Stamp Search Free Downloads of 100,000 Images of Collectibles Topical Postage Stamps - View full siz color images -Topical
pictures Timbres Themes -Dogs to Diana, WWF, Earnhardt, NASCAR, Xena, Animals and more.
France International Topical and Thematic items for intermediate and advanced collectors, exhibitors and investors. Mail Bid
Sales. Approvals. Price Lists online. Die Proofs, Deluxe sheets, Trial color proofs, original drawings, errors, fancy cancels,
patriotic covers, postal stationery, meters, imperforates, telegrams, encased stamps, specimens, maxi cards, etc. Member APS,
ATA, ASDA. 20+ years experience.
DA CUNHA RHODESIAS.Price lists available separately for each country-sent by post only.
Gary Gompf Stamps from over 300 countries, Mint, Use, Disney, Topical, Famous People, Year Sets, Souvenir Sheets and
Georg's Stamp Offer's Stamps, covers, postcards and collections all over Germany: German States, Empire, Third Reich, Germany,
West Berlin, Occupation WWI+WWII, DDR, German colonies. Each week I get new material. If you have a want list you can send
it to me. I sell between 10% and maximum 50% of the Michel CV. If you send me an email I make a offer the next day.
Golden Valley Stamps & Coins Complete line of stamp supplies and coin supplies at discounted prices. We buy & sell stamps and coins.
Monthly internet and Public Auction.
Great Britain First Day Covers & Cards 1967-77 The stock for sale features many special and rare postmarks. The emphasis is on the postmarks rather than
full sets on official covers. Other items include FDI postal stationery, aerogrammes, regional FDCs,commercial mailings with
FDI slogans,FDI silk covers and postmarks from Royal Palaces and House of Lords/Commons. Also a fine selection of early PHQs
with rare postmarks,an unusual collection of postcards appropriate to the stamps from museums and birthplaces with some fine
FDI postmarks.
Greek Stamps Price lists and catalogue of Greek stamps. Auction 3 times per year featuring stamps and postal history
from Greece, Levant, Middle East, Balkans, British Commonwealth and Europe.
Hobby-Supplies.com Up to 40% discounts on all coin and stamp collecting supplies including Dansco, Whitman, Airtite, Anco,
Harris, Cowen, Supersafe, Krause, Showgard and much more.
Irish Stamps Online The leading Irish Stamp Web Site on the Web. Featuring comprehensive Online Irish Illustrated Stamp Catalog.
Irish Mint, Used, FDC, Miniature Sheets
Jamestown Stamp Company Banknotes, stamps, and coins served fresh daily. Jamestown Stamp is the fastest growing collectilbe site
on the Web and the mail order leader since 1939! Stop by to get our latest catalog FREE.
JRB Collectables We are dealers in stamps of the world, covering anything related to stamps. GB, Channel Islands, World,
Thematics, Miniature Sheets, Booklets, Presentation Packs, First Day Covers, Packets, Duplication if required. Wants lists
very welcome.
JustWendy Themes Specialist Topicals/Thematics, comprehensive listings of over 400 Topics.
Latin American Stamps & Covers Since 35 years ago we are providing to collectors and dealers with: Stamps, Mint and Used; Covers, First
Day Covers and Special Postmarks. Request my price lists. Over 40000 items online.
Laurentian Stamps & Coins - Andre Viau Selling Coins & Stamps from Canada, US and the world: Stamps - We specialize in Canadian mint &
used, Revenue & Fiscals, Wildlife (Duck) Canada & Quebec, we also have on paper mixtures & whole collections &
lots for sale. Coins - Canada, US & Foreign, also Canadian Papermoney.
Lindner Publications Australia Lindner Publications Australia specialises in high quality accessories for stamps, coins, banknotes, telephone
cards, FDCs and postcards. We have a large range of products including country albums, stocksheets, stockbooks, albums, coin
trays, catalogues, magnifiers, tweezers, UV lamps, watermark detectors and lots more.
Malta FDCs Online This is a nice and pretty online store where you can easily browse through our offers of recent Maltese
FDCs issued. Cheapest rates on the web guaranteed !! Credit cards accepted.
Namib Stamps Great source for collector's of Southern & British Africa, British Commonwealth, Topicals, German Colonies
& States, Omnibus Issues, Postal History, Maximum Cards, Booklets, Miniature sheets and much more
New Issues Service Worldwide We are a German New Issues Service with all the stamps worldwide. Every month you can see new newst issues
on our sites. Additional you find older issues (about 6.000), most topics. We also are specialists of WWF-issues. You can
subscripe on new issues or order them after getting a monthly stamp list. Contact us and order this monthly stamp list.
Persiphila Specialists in Philately of Iran (persia) Site dedicated to inform all collectors & dealers alike regarding
many unknown aspects of Iranian philately including detection of forgeries and reprints. Also enjoy a gallery of rare Iranian
stamps and postal history.
R Schneider Stamps We specialize in all aspects of philately for the German and Austrian areas - stamps and covers. We also
stock Luxembourg and Liechtenstein. We mail monthly price lists on request for these areas. We offer great service, quality
stamps, and reasonable prices! Member ASDA, APS, GPS, NSDA, AUSPS, LSG, IFSDA. R Schneider PO Box 23049 Belleville IL 62223
618 277 6152/8543 Fax 618 277 1050
Raven Stamps If you collect Irish stamps then you should visit our website. This will introduce you to Raven Stamps and
Cathedral Stamps the premier stamp dealing firms in Ireland. Cathedral Stamps with its shop based in the centre of Dublin
offers all world stamps and collections together with the Lindner range of accessories. Raven Stamps in Cork city offers one
of the largest stocks of Irish stamps and covers in the world. If it is Irish we either stock it or can obtain it. Send your
E Mail address today
Russia and Related Areas Specializing in every aspect of Russian Philately : Offices abroad, Civil War, Former Sovet Republics, Zemstvo
and Local issues, Postal History and Stationary, Philatelic Literature
Scotstamps UK site dedicated to British and British Commonwealth Stamps in Sets, singles and items of Philatelic Interest.
Stamp Central A member of the DealerMalls.com Collectibles Network.
Stamps & Coins I am a stamp dealer from Bombay India( ph. 0091226353771)dealing in quality stamps and postal history material,
coins & Bank Notes since past 30 years, all enquiries from Dealers & Collectors are wel come.
Stamps-Mounts.com Collecting Supplies & Mount at 10% over our Dealer Costs Mounts at half Price See on-line catalogs.
Nets only Click to Buy. Stamp, Coin, Baseball, Mounts and Phone Cards from Lindner, SAFE, Lighthouse Shipped next day - Check,
Stampview.com United States and Worldwide stamps for sale. All stamps offered on approval (prior to payment) and discounts
granted on all orders of US $25.00 or more. Ships anywhere in the world. Internet website established 1994.
STEPHEN W. BAINBRIDGE (PHILATELIST) Specialist in Great Britain K.G.V. 1911 - 1936 covering Control stamps of the period. Singles, strips and
multiples. Plating pieces and Colour shades. Plate and Printing flaws. Watermark varieties.
Sydney Philatelics (Australia) International Mail Order Stamp Dealers - Specializing in Australasia, Pacific Islands, British Commonwealth,Booklets,
Postal History, Postal Stationery, Accessories, Postage. Established 25 Years. Member APTA.
TargetAuctions.net Worldwide, Europe, South America, Africa, United States, United Nations, France, Germany, Monaco, Spain,
Portugal, Canada, Belgium, German Democratic Republic and much more!
The Stamp Dad Dealer in Canadian mint stamps, sheet, souvenir sheets, FDC's, booklets, coin & stamp sets. Topicals
available as well from Canada, Chinese New Year issues, hockey stamps and more.
Topical-Stamps.com Free Downloads of 100,000 Images of Collectibles Topical Postage Stamps - View full-size color images -Topical
pictures Timbres Themes -Dogs to Diana, WWF, Earnhardt, NASCAR, Xena, Animals, Fish, Sports, WWII,Movie/Music Stars, UFO.
Vista Vista is a leading resource for philately in Canada and one of the largest approval house in the country
with its unique bonus reward system. Enjoy this great hobby with Vista, without ever leaving the comfort of your home.
Westminster Collection Ltd The Westminster Collection is your gateway to the world's best new issue collecting opportunities - at original
issue prices. We act as the official UK agents for over 50 international postal authorities, including Australia Post, Canada
Post, the Irish Post Office and the United States Postal Service (we are ecommerce enabled).
World Forum Philatelist - The UN Specialists The Worlds largest all UN stamp dealer specializing in UN stamps and postal history. 1-11 printing varieties,
errors, proofs, UN European Offices, UNTEA, UPU, WHO, UNESCO, Military Mail, League of Nations, and all types of philatelic
items related to the United Nations. We cater to everyone from the beginner to the specialized exhibitor.
World Postal History Over 5,000 postal history covers of the world. All scanned. Starting at less than $1. Easy search engine,
easy ordering. Visit us today!


Academy Stamps (09/13/99 Marshall Goldberg USA) Links Wide selection of all U.S. stamps plus major inventory of autographs and manuscripts. (Specialties: Autographs,Country-Specific,Stamps) |
Agape Stamp Ministry (12/06/00 Liz Australia) Links Recent Australian & New Zealand kiloware, bundleware and excellent used stamps off paper.
(Specialties: Packets,Stamps) |
All World Postage Stamps (03/15/01 Pete UK) Postage stamps - Free stamp lists - World stamps in weekly updated
lists, credit cards accepted. (Specialties: Stamps) |
Amagerbro Stamp Shop (10/11/99 Harvey Rosenblum Denmark) Links Scandinavian, European stamps, kiloware, thematics, Lighthouse, SAFE, stamp-coin-phonecard albums
and supplies. All discounted. In the heart of Copenhagen. Personal Service since 1979. (Specialties:
Stamps,Topicals) |
Amazing Rare Stamps (09/07/00 Josef Waigand Germany) Stamps for Collectors. Specializing in Europe, Germany, Thailand
and worldwide rare philatelic items. (Specialties: Packets,Stamps,Topicals) |
AnyStamps - Stamp Packets (06/20/00 Sales USA) The largest dealer of stamp packets on the internet. We offer
large stamp collections from over 350 countries and in more than 60 topics at affordable prices. Secure online ordering (Specialties: Country-Specific,Packets,Stamps,Topicals) |
Arabia Philatica (05/21/01 Alastair Gunn UK) Specialists in Arabic Postal History, especially that of the Gulf
States (UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman ...) (Specialties: Country-Specific,Covers,Postal History,Stamps)
BaxleyStamps (09/29/00 G. Baxley USA) World wide stamps for the collector with emphasis on Japan, Ryukyu
and Far East. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Covers,Stamps) |
CWS / Collectors Supply House (04/06/02 Sales Canada) Collector's Supply House is a retailer of Stamp and Coin Collecting
Supplies. We are a division of Canadian Wholesale Supply which is one of the world's largest manufacturers of Stamp and Coin
Collecting Products. (Specialties: Coins,Miscellaneous,Stamps) |
Christ Stamps (12/26/98 contact USA) Links Good Quality Stamps and Reasonable prices is our motto! Images available for every better priced
Stamp/Cover. (Specialties: Covers,Pricelists,Stamps,Supplies,) |
UPDATE Cleft Rock Stamps (10/22/02 Ed Carnie UK) Links Specialists in fine British Commonwealth and Great Britain stamps. We aim to offer scarce and
unusual items to collectors. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Stamps) |
Cosmos Stamps (02/14/00 Nicos Constantopoulos UK) Links Stamps and postal history from Greece, Balkans, Asia Minor, Levant, Middle East, Europe and British
Commonwealth. Price Lists, Catalogue, Special Offers, New Issues, Thematics, etc. (Specialties:
Stamps) |
Cuba Wholesale (11/29/99 Ernest Garand Canada) Authentic Postage Stamps From Around The World. Wholesale stamps
from Cuba for dealers. Also retail! (Specialties: Stamps,Topicals) |
Dennis R. Abel - Stamps for Collectors (10/08/01 Dennis R. Abel USA) United States stamps, U. S. mint year sets, Iceland, Israel, 19th
Century Fancy Cancels etc. home of the smallest philatelic AUCTION on the Internet. (Specialties:
Auctions,Cancels,Stamps,Year Sets) |
Don Lewis Country Collections (05/10/99 Don Lewis USA) Large collection of stamps from all over the world. Hundreds to
choose from Asia, Europe, Africa, N. and S. America, Mexico, etc. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Stamps)
FILATELIC.COM (03/25/02 Kenneth Loh USA) Links Malaysian Stamp Specialist Website - Best Malaysian Stamp Website (Specialties:
Country-Specific,Covers,Covers/First Day,Stamps) |
Filatelia Silver Star Website (08/27/00 Joao Augusto Macau) Filatelia Silver Star Website, specializing in classic and modern
stamps, first day covers, last day covers, circulated covers and maximum cards, of Macau, Hong Kong, China and Taiwan.
(Specialties: Country-Specific,Covers,First Day Covers,Maximum Cards,Stamps) |
Hugo Philatelik (10/08/01 Hugo Deshaye Canada) Specialized canadian and provinces materials. Auctions, Links,
News, You are welcome! (Specialties: Stamps) |
Indonesia Stamps (12/26/98 Gita Noviandi Indonesia) Links Indonesia stamps, s/s, stationery, cover, and booklet (Specialties:
Aerogrammes,Booklets,Country-Specific,Postal Stationery,Stamps,) |
Indonesia Stamps Source (06/13/00 Dani Yusdiar Indonesia) Links Retail sales available for Indonesian stamps, WWF, postal stationery, stamps booklet. (Specialties: Country-Specific,First Day Covers,Stamps,Topicals) |
John H. Talman Ltd. Stamps (11/13/00 John Talman Canada) A comprehensive site for stamp collectors featuring auction
listings, private treaty offers, philatelic literature and related items. (Specialties: Stamps)
Kei-Mar Stamps (12/27/98 Keith & Mary Rathbone USA) Links Foreign and topical - mint or used - old or new. We are a family-owned business and have been
around since 1980. Our names are Keith and Mary Rathbone. Keith will furnish your foreign country needs, while Mary handles
the topical items. (Specialties: Packets,Stamps,Topicals,) |
M. Osborne Covers (10/08/01 Osborne UKraine) Links Thousands of worldwide commercial and philatelic covers, including topicals, FDC, special covers,
meter mail, slogans, stationery, postal history, flights, thematics, aerogrammes, etc. (Specialties:
Covers) |
UPDATE M.Tariq (10/15/02 M.Tariq Pakistan) Mint sets, Packets, Kiloware (Specialties:
Stamps,Topicals) |
Maddy's Philatelic Service (10/24/99 Ed Yonelinas Canada) Links We buy and sell stamps of Germany, Canada, Br. Colonies, and European countries. We also list
stamp shows in Canada and U.S. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Stamps) |
Maine Stamp Shoppe (03/02/99 Daniel Butler USA) Sells early US stamps including the classics using the shopping
cart format. Very reasonable prices. (Specialties: Stamps) |
Mari Collezionismo Stamps (07/08/99 Mari Italy) Links New or used stamps and numismatics items offered as single items, or as complete collections,
at a vary competitive price. (Specialties: Coins,Stamps) |
Mike's Stamps (05/07/02 Mike USA) Links classic British Commonwealth, and some world wide (Specialties:
Stamps) |
Namib Stamps (06/20/00 Brian Basson Namibia) The stamp collector's paradise for Southern Africa and British
Africa, Br. Commonwealth, Germany States & Colonies, Thematics & Much More !! (Specialties:
Country-Specific,Stamps) |
Peter's Stamps (10/18/99 Peter Gladman UK) Links Stamps and covers of Great Britain and British Islands. Prices and illustrations of new issues
(Specialties: Stamps) |
Philangles (06/27/00 Simon Carson UK) Links Monthly post bid sales of stamps and postal history. Direct stamp sales (Specialties: Auctions,Postal History,Stamps) |
Philately 97 (12/26/98 Wilson Ho USA) Links Issues of Hong Kong, Macau, China, Singapore, and other topics and collectables. (Specialties: First Day Covers,Stamps,Topicals,) |
Philea (02/22/02 Christer Svensson Sweden) Links Leading Swedish stamp auction house. The most visited philatelic web page in Northern Europe.
Besides auctions, we offer you SPECIAL MOTIVE, one of the worlds largest stamp databases. Search for any country or thematic
area! (Specialties: Stamps,Topicals) |
Rainbow Stamps (09/21/00 Vanessa Frank Australia) Links For Australian, Territories, World and Thematic stamp sets and packets. (Specialties: Accessories,Packets,Stamps,Topicals) |
SH Stamps (07/30/02 Simon Hemmings UK) Great Britain and British Commonwealth Stamps, 1840 to present.
(Specialties: Country-Specific,Stamps) |
STAMPS from all over the world (10/27/01 Roland Karassek Germany) Links Universal Postal Union, Football-Worldcup, European Union, Olympic Games, Peter Paul Rubens, Astronautics,
Germany, GDR, Berlin, Netherlands, Austria, Vatican (Specialties: Country-Specific,Stamps,Topicals)
Scotstamps (06/30/00 David Buchanan UK) Links Great Britain and Commonwealth stamps, sets and singles. Philatelic Library. Free Notice Board.
Free Links. (Specialties: Sets,Stamps) |
Sidney Fenemore (03/14/01 Sidney Fenemore UKraine) Dealer in Postal History. Airmails in Post Bid sales. also
Aero postcards. (Specialties: Airmails,Postcards,Postal History) |
Simon Andrews (07/30/02 contact UK) Links London's oldest Stamp Shop specialising in Asia, China, Hong Kong, Thailand. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Stamps) |
Southern-Mail (09/05/01 stephen le vine UK) Links Large selection of German stamps with regular lists...also world wide list available. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Stamps) |
StampFinder (09/05/01 Sha Hart USA) Links Over 800,000 stamps to choose from Largest, longest running Multi-Dealer Stamp Site on the Web.
Large database of dealers. FREE Classifieds, Events Calendar, Philatelic Yellow Pages. Affiliates Program earns you money
on your site. (Specialties: Collections,Covers,Lots,Stamps) |
UPDATE Stamps for Collectors (10/17/02 Bruce McLean UK) Dealer in the stamps of the Scandinavian countries, Great Britain
and the Europa issues. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Stamps) |
Stamps of Bulgaria (07/24/00 Stefan Mihaylov Bulgaria) Links Everything from Bulgaria - complete sets and SS, packets, FDC's and etc. (Specialties: First Day Covers,Phone Cards,Postal Stationery,Stamps) |
Stampstudio (10/23/99 Bill Kemp USA) Links Home of one of the largest stamp sites on the net. (Specialties:
Auctions,Cinderellas,Miscellaneous,Stamps,Topicals) |
Sydney Stamp Centre (12/27/98 contact Australia) Specialist Australian, topical and cover dealer. Only Australian
private cover producer (Wesley Cover Service since 1935). (Specialties: First Day Covers,Stamps,Topicals,)
The Cover Box (02/08/00 Roy & Debbie Lingen Canada) Links 2500+ worldwide covers. Mostly 20th century postal history. All scanned. Priced at $2.00 up.
(Specialties: Collections,Lots,Packets,Postal History) |
The Philately of Moldova (02/20/01 Rado Phil Moldova) Moldova PMR(Transnistria)Gagauzia stamps F.D.C. maximums USSR
1958-1990 stamps postcards F.D.C. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Stamps) |
The Stamp Bazaar Store (12/01/01 Sidney Fenemore UK) Links Postal History, Postcards, Cinderella's in Groups, Clear out's. Singles, Thematics, Packets.
(Specialties: Cinderellas,Collections,Postal History,Sets,Stamps) |
The Stamp Dad (07/30/02 Dave Ramsay Canada) Links Part-time dealer in Canadian mint stamps, blocks, FDC's, sheets, booklets, etc. New Canadian issues
available. (Specialties: Stamps) |
Timbres-Themes (Topics Stamps) (12/27/98 contact Canada) Links More than 180 ++ topical categories in stock. Stamps, covers, specialized material. Search our
Database by topic, country or dates (Specialties: Covers,Stamps,Topicals,) |
Topical Stamps (10/27/01 Shá Hart USA) Links Premiere Topical and Thematic Site. Choose from over 400 Topics. Quick and easy stamp search.
Fun Site for all from the novice to the experienced stamp enthusiast. Featuring: 2D and 3D Framed Stamps and Topics On CD
products. |
Vasconi Stamps 2000 (05/21/01 Vassil Popov Bulgaria) Mint sets from Eastern Europe for sale,FDC,s,maxicards.Wholesale
and retail. (Specialties: Covers,Covers/First Day,Maximum Cards,Sets,Stamps) |
WIndsor Philatelics (02/13/00 Steve Walker UK) Dealers in the postage stamps and postal history of Great Britain
1840-1900. (Specialties: Country-Specific,Covers,Postal History,Stamps) |
Wang's Stamps (01/31/00 Chaomo Wang UK) Links Specialist in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, Japan, and other Far East countries. (Specialties: Country-Specific,First Day Covers,Stamps) |
Wang's Stamps (04/23/99 Chaomo Wang UK) Specializing in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, Japan and other
Far East countries. (Specialties: Country-Specific,First Day Covers,Stamps) |
Woodford Sports Covers (02/12/99 Richard Derrick UK) Golf, cricket, and wildlife commemorative covers for special events and matches, some of these signed. (Specialties: Topicals) |
World of Stamps (03/13/99 Susan USA) The family run stamp place...for serious collectors and serious
beginners. Purchase worldwide stamps from our online store. We fill wantlists. We specialize in topicals. (Specialties: Stamps,Topicals,Want Lists) |