Saturday, December 21, 2002
Postal officials await go-ahead to reopen Brentwood facility Government Executive
Minnesota towns truly getting snail mail Minneapolis Star Tribune
Cost cutting to continue at APWU HQ- arbitration moratorium reported Lunewsviews.com
Holiday thieves fail in post office heist San Francisco Examiner
Friday, December 20, 2002
APWU members ratify contract extension by 8-1 margin APWU web site
Survey: Shippers Seek Alternatives to Priority Mail DMNews.com
Post office questions- a 'nationwide outcry' concerning carrier's death
Independence Examiner
USPS Agrees to Continue Montana Airmail Service Congressman Denny Rehberg web site
Royal Mail delivers new job for FA chief Crozier The Guardian
Thursday, December 19, 2002
Cleanup of anthrax will cost hundreds of millions of dollars Baltimore Sun
Questions over final anthrax cleanup in New Jersey Trenton Times
R.R. Donnelley to build 'mega' mail distribution plant in PA Lancaster Intelligencer Journal via RRD web site
Wednesday, December 18, 2002
NALC says San Antonio PO 'dumped' mail WOAI TV
Jeeps ready for mail Toledo Blade
A Patient Assault on Anthrax Washington Post
FedEx Seen Posting Lower Earnings, Analysts Say Dow Jones
Revenge of the nerds: geeks go postal on spammer Raleigh News and Observer
Tuesday, December 17, 2002
Postal Service ignored contamination rules UPI
GAO Anthrax Investigation to Begin in January Press release
Carriers Ready for Holiday Crunch This Week DMNews.com
One Town, Four Post Offices Hartford Courant
Postal Service Standardizes Training Information Week
Monday, December 16, 2002
Grassley probes complaints about USPS Inspector General Washington Times
Cleanup Agent Being Cleared Out at D.C. Postal Plant Washington Post
New NALC President calls for reform Associated Press
Collins promotion is good news for postal reform DIRECT
Editorial: Postal Commission? Yawn. Who Cares? DMNews.com
USPS tries to function through supertyphoon on Guam KUAM TV
Close Encounters of the Postal Kind DIRECT
Saturday, December 14, 2002
Postal Officials, Mailers Welcome Presidential Commission Federal Times
Friday, December 13, 2002
Newspaper and Magazine Publishers Applaud Postal Commission MediaDailyNews
McHugh pushed changes, failed Syracuse Post Standard
Northrop Grumman Gets USPS Deal to Continue Bio-Agent Testing DMNews.com
Brentwood residents assured gas is safe Washington Times
Valpak 'Star Trek' Promo Caps Rebranding Year DMNews.com
Post office prank stirs up a stink Akron Beacon Journal
Thursday, December 12, 2002
Text of the Executive Order creating postal commission White House web site reactions:
Decontamination Set for D.C. Post Office Associated Press
Wednesday, December 11, 2002
Postal commission announced Press release more on the story:
Postal Service Cuts Losses to $676M Associated Press more from Tuesday's USPS Board meeting:
Tuesday, December 10, 2002
White House set to announce Postal Commission Wednesday Postcom reports that Wednesday morning at 10, President Bush will announce the appointment of a commission to review the role of the
US Postal Service, and make recommendations for its future. The panel is to be headed by Harry Pearce, the Chairman of Hughes
Electronics, and James Johnson, former chairman of Fannie Mae.
Did postal rules kill carrier? Independence (MO) Examiner
$65 million mail processing plant on hold in Maine Associated Press
Parcel service to Europe improves International Herald Tribune
Inspector General now investigating workers' comp fraud in DC metro area Press release
Monday, December 9, 2002
Post Office Probe Urged in Anthrax Case Associated Press
Saturday, December 7, 2002
Arrest Made in Postal Worker Murder WTOC TV
Four More YearsThe Story Behind the Postal Retirement Funding Windfall DIRECT
Suspicious Hartford letter prompts Lieberman to question Postal Service Associated Press
Friday, December 6, 2002
USPS Manager charged with witness tampering OIG Press release
Postal Service defends decision to drop air route Rapid City Journal
Armed Robbers Strike Kansas City Post Office KMBC TV
Funeral for slain postal worker fills chapel Savannah Morning News
Mail spills from truck onto Florida highway Charlotte (FL) Sun
Fire destroys St. Louis to Harrisburg mail Associated Press
Thursday, December 5, 2002
APWU Members: Raise Too Small Next to Budget Surplus Federal Times
Missouri letter carrier killed while delivering route Independence Examiner
Airlines suffering from loss of mail revenue Dallas Business Journal
Pitney Bowes Sues Stamps.com, Alleges Patent Infringement DMNews.com
Survey: Banks Sending More Direct Mail in 2002 DMNews.com
Garment workers protest foreign made postal uniforms Johnstown (PA) Tribune-Democrat
USPS a model for IT investments Federal Times
Wednesday, December 4, 2002
Post Office Said to Put Billions at Risk Associated Press Click here to download the GAO report
Mailing Industry Council Letter Tells Bush to Change USPS Pension DMNews.com
Fall Falls Flat for Mailers Catalog Age
USPS Board posts agenda for next week's meeting Press release
Happy holidays for e-tailers CNET News.com
Investigators making progress in slaying of Georgia postal worker Savannah Morning News
Postal Service site helps create personal cards that go in the mail Modesto Bee
$28 mil. fine upheld against man who ran postal-job scam Chicago Sun-Times
Tuesday, December 3, 2002
Post Office Readies for Holiday Mailings Associated Press
Many Offices To Open Sundays Press release
For Postal Service, Another Level of Anthrax Damages Washington Post
Postal Workers Getting Potassium Iodide Associated Press
Irish Postmasters settle their dispute online.ie

