Collectors Guide To Confederate Philately
By John Kimbrough MD And Conrad L Bush
365 8-1/2 x 11 inch pages; soft bound. Available from John l Kimbrough, 10140 Wanderling Way, Benbrook, TX 76126 USA.
$35 post paid in the US. Overseas orders will have shipping charges depending upon destination. Order by mail, phone {817-249-2477}
fax {817-249-5213} or E-mail
This long needed book covers the many fascinating aspects of Confederate stamp and cover collecting with breadth and
depth; in a readable style that will inform new and old collectors alike. Well illustrated and organized so it can be used
as a reference for specific items as well as a means of familiarizing collectors with the entire feild, this book will be
equally at home on the night stand, or coffee table, or the work table. Highly recommended
The Catalogue Of Private Express Labels And Stamps
By Bruce H. Mosher
224 8-1/2 x 11 inch pages; softcover. Available for $39 postpaid in the US from James E. Lee, PODrawer 250, Wheeling,
IL 60090 USA. Phone {847-215-1231}, Fax {847-215-7253}, E-mail:
Illustrated and priced listings of over 3,000 lables, stamps and corner cards issued by American and Canadian privet
express companies between 1840 and 1926. Covers 525 plus companies. The Most comprehensive reference available: with signifigant
The United States Post Office In World War II
By Lawrence Sherman MD
504 8-1/2 x 11 inch pages, with 300 black and white illustrations and eight pages of color. Published by the Collectors
Club Of Chicago, 1029 North Dearborn St., Chicago, IL 60610 USA $49.95 postpaid.
Starting from the 1951 Postmasters General's Report titled "A Wartime History Of The Post Office Department" the
book presents the history of the postal operations of the 1940-1945 period using his his own research and contributions of
14 other collector scholars of the era. Readable, informative and an excelent primer on the subject.