(STAMP COLLECTING NEWS) Dr. Michael D. Dixon, President of Washington 2006, announced today
that the organization has thus far raised over $130,000 in memberships. As a charitable tax-exempt 501(c)(3) entity, that
total is expected to increase by year's end as donors contribute to take advantage of U.S. tax laws.
The U.S. international exhibition will take place May 27 to June 3, 2006, at the Washington, DC Convention Center. Held
every 10 years in the U.S., it brings together collectors from around the world in celebration of philately. The show's slogan
aptly summarizes its mission, "Stamps - and so much more."
Washington 2006 faces financial challenges unlike any U.S. international exhibition beforehand. Rather than a traditional
fund drive or guarantee fund, organizers have opted to raise money through memberships, enabling all philatelists to support
the show at a level affordable to their means. Premium levels include a variety of thank you gifts.
Memberships seek to raise $450,000 as budgeted by the Washington 2006 finance committee. This includes individual, corporate,
and matching donation options. The amount received to date exceeds expectations so soon after the program's launch.
All other areas of the exhibition continue to progress on schedule. More than 100 volunteers are working on different aspects
of the show at this time.
» visit the Washington 2006 web site